
Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

DeFi Features Data Pipeline - Spectral Labs

This project is part of the Spectral Data Lakehouse, this project is responsible for:

  1. ETL data from Subgraph API's for AAVE and Compound Protocol to the Data Lakehouse.
  2. ETL DeFi events data from Transpose API.

Features Data Dictionary

This table describes various features used to analyze a user's activity on DeFi protocols such as Compound and AAVE.

Feature Name Data Type Description
risk_factor float Reciprocal of the minimum health factor across protocols.
total_collateral_eth float Total collateral in ETH across protocols.
total_collateral_avg_eth float Average collateral in ETH across protocols, measured on the first block of each day.
total_available_borrows_eth float Total amount available to borrow in ETH across protocols.
total_available_borrows_avg_eth float Average amount available to borrow in ETH across protocols, measured on the first block of each day.
avg_weighted_risk_factor float Weighted average risk_factor (weighted by borrow balance) measured on the first block of each day.
risk_factor_above_threshold_daily_count int The number of times a wallet's risk_factor exceeded a threshold of (1 / 1.2) on the first block of each day.
avg_risk_factor float Average of a wallet's risk_factor as measured on the first block of each day.
max_risk_factor float A wallet's maximum risk_factor as measured on the first block of each day.
borrow_amount_sum_eth float Sum in ETH of all individual borrow amounts.
borrow_amount_avg_eth float Average in ETH of all individual borrow amounts.
borrow_count int Number of borrow events initiated by the wallet.
repay_amount_sum_eth float Sum in ETH of all individual repayment amounts.
repay_amount_avg_eth float Average in ETH of all individual repayment amounts.
repay_count int Number of repayment events initiated by the wallet.
borrow_repay_diff_eth float borrow_amount_sum_eth - repay_amount_sum_eth
deposit_count int Number of deposit events on DeFi protocols initiated by the wallet.
deposit_amount_sum_eth float Sum in ETH of all individual deposit amounts to DeFi protocols.
time_since_first_deposit int Time in seconds since a wallet's first deposit event to a DeFi protocol.
withdraw_amount_sum_eth float Sum in ETH of all individual withdraw amounts from DeFi protocols.
withdraw_deposit_diff_eth float If_positive_eth: maximum(0, withdraw_amount_sum_eth - deposit_amount_sum_eth)
liquidation_count int Number of liquidation events on a wallet's borrow positions.
time_since_last_liquidated int Time in seconds since a wallet's last liquidation event.
liquidation_amount_sum_eth float Sum in ETH of all individual liquidated collateral amounts.
unique_borrow_protocol_count int Count of unique protocols the wallet has borrowed on
unique_lending_protocol_count int Count of unique protocols the wallet has deposited assets on

Data Pipeline on Airflow

Airflow DAG - Data Pipeline

Requirements to run this project

How to run each pipeline locally?

To run the project locally you have two options, you can run using a virtual env or using Docker.

Using Virtual Env

Create the virtual env:

poetry install && poetry shell

Run the pipeline:

APP_ENV=dev python <script_name> <parameters>

Using Docker

To run the pipeline using docker, the first you need to do is build the docker image, to do that you can execute the follow command:

make build_image

After build the docker image, now you can execute the pipeline:

docker run \
  --network=host \
  -e APP_ENV=dev \
  -e SSH_TUNNEL=true \
  -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="$(aws --profile default configure get aws_access_key_id)" \
  -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="$(aws --profile default configure get aws_secret_access_key)" \
  <image_name>:latest \
  python <script_name> <parameters>

How to deploy this project in development environment?

To deploy this project in dev environment is necessary to execute these steps:

  • Create the ECS stack using Terraform on dev workspace
  • Build the docker image
  • Start Airflow locally

Create ECS Stack on dev Workspace and build the docker image

make create_ecs_stack_dev

During the process of creating the ECS Stack, the docker image will be built, so in this case, you don't need to run the docker build process, just when you apply some code change and need to update the docker image.

Run Airflow locally to execute the DAG

make setup_airflow_locally

Now you can access the Airflow ULR using these credentials:

The DAG file is in the folder devops/airflow/dags and after running the Airflow, this dag will be loaded automatically, you will see the DAG in the Airflow UI.

Now the DAG it's available and you can run it.

Checking the Data outputs

After run the data pipeline you can check the data output on the Data Lakehouse, you can see the files on bucket S3 (data-lakehouse-{dev or prod}) or you can execute some queries on Athena.



Example query in the development environment:

select * from db_raw_dev.the_graph_historical_market_data

Example query in the production environment:

select * from db_raw_prod.the_graph_historical_market_data