- 1
Enter one-line summary
#87 opened - 0
setup dameon on Android ARM Device
#86 opened - 2
Error (devices/colors/light) not defined
#85 opened - 1
config - Howto? Setup LED SMD3825
#84 opened - 2
boblightd not recognizing my lightpack
#83 opened - 1
- 1
use XDamage instead of polling
#81 opened - 3
- 2
- 2
Does not compile with v4l
#78 opened - 1
Win 7 "com8: Permission Denied
#77 opened - 2
Error when compiling
#76 opened - 0
- 1
Patch for Ambioder support
#74 opened - 0
config file option for second monitor
#73 opened - 0
openelec boblight connect to Pibob
#72 opened - 0
boblight-v4l refresh
#71 opened - 0
- 1
boblight.conf for lightpack
#69 opened - 0
Merge "boblight-ambioder" into boblight
#68 opened - 2
Not picking colors at all
#67 opened - 1
- 1
Patch for /trunk/src/device/devicespi.h
#65 opened - 2
Lightpack and Boblight
#64 opened - 5
Error compiling
#63 opened - 1
- 0
Boblightd (comiled for mipsel) use 12-15% cpu when not used and hangs with 60% cpu at startup.
#61 opened - 0
Provide precompiled deb
#60 opened - 0
Delay with Boblight on Windows 8
#59 opened - 2
AMBX support
#58 opened - 10
- 0
Lights stays active.....
#56 opened - 2
- 1
change gamma by ambient brightness
#54 opened - 3
--without-ffmpeg don't work
#53 opened - 6
LEDs do not light on, Windows7, TLC5940
#52 opened - 9
- 1
Devices232.cpp: Add SEDU prefix
#50 opened - 6
boblight-v4l can't read input
#49 opened - 6
Build Error in Ubuntu 11.04 x86 in R446
#48 opened - 1
Do not send output without client
#47 opened - 0
- 1
- 4
- 3
- 1
Boblight chase daemon.
#42 opened - 3
Problem with WinXP and Linux
#41 opened - 2
will not configure since r429
#40 opened - 3
boblight with an Atmega AT90USB646?
#39 opened - 5