Set! discontinuous across prime meridian
Closed this issue · 7 comments
orography = NoOrography(spectral_grid)
model = PrimitiveWetModel(;spectral_grid, orography)
H, λ₀, φ₀, σ = 4000, 0, 50, 15 # height, lon, lat position, and width
set!(model, orography=(λ,φ) -> H*exp((-(λ-λ₀)^2 - (φ-φ₀)^2)/2σ^2), add=true)
has a discontinuity at 0˚E
@maximilian-gelbrecht you think we can fix that within the set!
function or does one need to account for that in the (λ,φ) ->
function definition?
Huh, I'll look into it. There has to be a possibility to do that neatly within set!
Okay, after thinking about this a bit more. This is too poorly defined mathematically to do within set!
. You'd have to provide more additional information of how you want to have the continuity to be enforced and this just becomes messy.
I'd just add a "ghost point" to the function definition in the individual cases
using SpeedyWeather
spectral_grid = SpectralGrid()
orography = NoOrography(spectral_grid)
model = PrimitiveWetModel(;spectral_grid, orography)
H, λ₀, φ₀, σ = 4000, 0, 50, 15 # height, lon, lat position, and width
set!(model, orography=(λ,φ) -> H*(exp((-(λ-λ₀)^2 - (φ-φ₀)^2)/2σ^2) + exp((-(λ-(λ₀+360))^2 - (φ-φ₀)^2)/2σ^2)), add=true)
It's not easy to generalise this to arbitrary functions, so I'd prefer to keep this out of set!
I think.
One thing we could think to implement is a function that shifts a RingGrid by a certain longitude. I am not even sure if this is easy to do with all reduced grids, but it would be helpful in cases in which you - in some way - want the prime meridian to be somewhere else to solve a discontinuity.
One thing we could think to implement is a function that shifts a RingGrid by a certain longitude. I am not even sure if this is easy to do with all reduced grids, but it would be helpful in cases in which you - in some way - want the prime meridian to be somewhere else to solve a discontinuity.
All reduced grids we have have 4 faces around the poles, so you could shift longitudinally by 90, 180, or 270˚, e.g.
Ring1: (1, 2, 3, 4) -> (4, 1, 2, 3)
Ring2: (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) -> (11, 12, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
Ring3: (13, ..., 24 ) -> (21, ..., 24, 13, ..., 20)
Just putting my comment here from SpeedyWeather/RainMaker.jl#15 for persistence:
I think the problem here stems from the fact that the function (λ,φ) -> H*(exp((-(λ-λ₀)^2 - (φ-φ₀)^2)/2σ^2) + exp((-(λ-(λ₀+360))^2 - (φ-φ₀)^2)/2σ^2))
is using a Euclidean distance function when the underlying geometry of the space is actually non-Euclidean. So instead calculating the distances between (lon, lat) pairs using geodesics should fix this.
Using GeographicLib.jl
using GeographicLib
earth_geodesic((lon1, lat1), (lon2, lat2)) = GeographicLib.inverse(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2)[:dist]
as the distance works. But this calculates the distance in meters so the width of the mountain needs to be adjusted
H, λ₀, φ₀, σ = 4000, 0, 50, 1_500_000
orography = NoOrography(spectral_grid)
model = PrimitiveWetModel(;spectral_grid, orography)
set!(model, orography=(λ,φ) -> H*exp((- earth_geodesic((λ,φ), mountain_loc)^2)/2σ^2), add=true) heatmap(model.orography.orography)
Yes, that's the more proper way of doing that.
So, to answer Milan's initial question here: The functions should take care of that. GeographicLib.jl is a good find for that.
I guess we can close this issue?
I think with #588 we can close this now.