- 16
- 19
Additional LowerTriangularArray functionality
#558 opened by milankl - 7
arbitrary tracer support
#564 opened by seleneonowe - 4
set! initial conditions
#557 opened by milankl - 14
global spectrum
#610 opened by miniufo - 22
Reanalysis data as initial conditions
#630 opened by rocroc2017 - 1
How to use SpeedyWeather to diagnose model run instability caused by initial conditions.
#643 opened by rocroc2017 - 0
Implement `Heating` as model component
#567 opened by milankl - 5
Profiling of timestep
#594 opened by treigerm - 1
Long compile time for differentiation transform test in order SH -> Grid -> SH
#626 opened by maximilian-gelbrecht - 13
- 2
Driven by reanalysis data
#576 opened by Richard2323111 - 14
☁️ Clouds?
#460 opened by Datseris - 0
Spectral filtering instead of hyperdiffusion
#547 opened by milankl - 0
- 2
Differentiability of Spatial Gradients
#598 opened by maximilian-gelbrecht - 7
Set! discontinuous across prime meridian
#584 opened by milankl - 12
Simplified spectral transform towards GPU version
#575 opened by milankl - 2
- 1
Modularise netCDF output
#522 opened by milankl - 2
RingGrids: N-dim Matrix/Array constructors
#570 opened by maximilian-gelbrecht - 2
RingGrids: Conflicting Broadcast Rules
#565 opened by maximilian-gelbrecht - 0
Virtual temperature as prognostic variable
#546 opened by milankl - 24
Instability develops over long integrations
#553 opened by p-hss - 1
Lagrangian sampling of the model state
#549 opened by miniufo - 6
Condensation fireworks
#445 opened by milankl - 20
[JOSS review] Nat's Review of SpeedyWeather.jl
#443 opened by natgeo-wong - 1
Time stepping of particle tracking
#527 opened by miniufo - 4
unbalanced initial condition for Galewsky Jet
#518 opened by miniufo - 6
ShallowWater dataset on PDEArena
#521 opened by liluo2 - 16
Modified dynamics
#507 opened by miniufo - 10
The PrimitiveWetModel example fails
#515 opened by markmbaum - 2
- 10
- 7
[JOSS Review] questions + suggestions
#446 opened by vavrines - 9
Automatic performance testing
#464 opened by milankl - 6
JOSS review: text comments
#480 opened by slayoo - 15
Verifying conserved quantities
#500 opened by mini-DONG - 14
Another simple radiation scheme
#456 opened by milankl - 5
[JOSS review] Zenodo archival
#448 opened by slayoo - 1
- 2
- 2
Precompilation Error
#466 opened by natgeo-wong - 3
Exoplanet context
#462 opened by aditya-sengupta - 0
Another not too simple radiation scheme
#461 opened by milankl - 3
[JOSS Review] firstnames vs. initials in .bib file
#449 opened by slayoo - 5
Convection too weak?!
#436 opened by milankl - 1
OctaHEALPix transforms at low resolution
#434 opened by milankl - 10
- 3