
digitalPinToInterrupt on ATTiny841

3sigma opened this issue · 3 comments

3sigma commented


On the following line you associate INT0 with PB2:

#define digitalPinToInterrupt(p) ((p) == PIN_PB2 ? 0 : NOT_AN_INTERRUPT)

But on the ATTiny841, INT0 is on PB1. Did I miss something ?



And just a few days agpo someone asked why this version wasn't in board manager. It's stuff like this!!! Was wrong on both directions of pin mapping for the the x41, because the files had been based on the 84, and because Atmel's designers had been sniffing glue or something, the INT0 pin which was PB2 on the 84, was moved to the strictly worse PB1 for the follow-on product.

Thanks for reporting. We need a ton more people doing that.

3sigma commented

Thank you. Yes, strange to use one of the crystal pin for this interrupt...