
Problem on compilation with malloc

FroggyCorp opened this issue · 0 comments


I'm using the 1.5.2 ATTinyCore, i saw that there is a 2.0 coming, and didn't try with it. I have actually no time to check my code on the 2.0 (i apologize). I wanted to lower the size of my program for an attiny84 and got that problem (minimalist) (i use attiny84 without bootloader) :

This simple code is 898B size :

uint8_t * send = NULL;
void Function(int val)
    if (!send)
          send = (uint8_t*) malloc((val) * sizeof(uint8_t));
      send[3] = val;

void setup() {}

void loop() {

but this simple code is 246B :

uint8_t * send = NULL;

void Function(int val)
      send = (uint8_t*) malloc((val) * sizeof(uint8_t));
      send[3] = val;

void setup() {}

void loop() {

So, if i use "send" before malloc, i have a full sketch compiled, but if i use "send" after malloc, the program is "free" of code :

`Disassembly of section .text:

00000000 <__vectors>:
   0:	10 c0       	rjmp	.+32     	; 0x22 <__ctors_end>
   2:	1f c0       	rjmp	.+62     	; 0x42 <__bad_interrupt>
   4:	1e c0       	rjmp	.+60     	; 0x42 <__bad_interrupt>
   6:	1d c0       	rjmp	.+58     	; 0x42 <__bad_interrupt>
   8:	1c c0       	rjmp	.+56     	; 0x42 <__bad_interrupt>
   a:	1b c0       	rjmp	.+54     	; 0x42 <__bad_interrupt>
   c:	1a c0       	rjmp	.+52     	; 0x42 <__bad_interrupt>
   e:	19 c0       	rjmp	.+50     	; 0x42 <__bad_interrupt>
  10:	18 c0       	rjmp	.+48     	; 0x42 <__bad_interrupt>
  12:	17 c0       	rjmp	.+46     	; 0x42 <__bad_interrupt>
  14:	16 c0       	rjmp	.+44     	; 0x42 <__bad_interrupt>
  16:	16 c0       	rjmp	.+44     	; 0x44 <__vector_11>
  18:	14 c0       	rjmp	.+40     	; 0x42 <__bad_interrupt>
  1a:	13 c0       	rjmp	.+38     	; 0x42 <__bad_interrupt>
  1c:	12 c0       	rjmp	.+36     	; 0x42 <__bad_interrupt>
  1e:	11 c0       	rjmp	.+34     	; 0x42 <__bad_interrupt>
  20:	10 c0       	rjmp	.+32     	; 0x42 <__bad_interrupt>

00000022 <__ctors_end>:
  22:	11 24       	eor	r1, r1
  24:	1f be       	out	0x3f, r1	; 63
  26:	cf e5       	ldi	r28, 0x5F	; 95
  28:	d2 e0       	ldi	r29, 0x02	; 2
  2a:	de bf       	out	0x3e, r29	; 62
  2c:	cd bf       	out	0x3d, r28	; 61

0000002e <__do_clear_bss>:
  2e:	20 e0       	ldi	r18, 0x00	; 0
  30:	a0 e6       	ldi	r26, 0x60	; 96
  32:	b0 e0       	ldi	r27, 0x00	; 0
  34:	01 c0       	rjmp	.+2      	; 0x38 <.do_clear_bss_start>

00000036 <.do_clear_bss_loop>:
  36:	1d 92       	st	X+, r1

00000038 <.do_clear_bss_start>:
  38:	a9 36       	cpi	r26, 0x69	; 105
  3a:	b2 07       	cpc	r27, r18
  3c:	e1 f7       	brne	.-8      	; 0x36 <.do_clear_bss_loop>
  3e:	4c d0       	rcall	.+152    	; 0xd8 <main>
  40:	58 c0       	rjmp	.+176    	; 0xf2 <_exit>

00000042 <__bad_interrupt>:
  42:	de cf       	rjmp	.-68     	; 0x0 <__vectors>

00000044 <__vector_11>:
      #error "cannot find Millis() timer overflow vector"
    #error "Millis() timer not defined!"
  44:	1f 92       	push	r1
  46:	0f 92       	push	r0
  48:	0f b6       	in	r0, 0x3f	; 63
  4a:	0f 92       	push	r0
  4c:	11 24       	eor	r1, r1
  4e:	2f 93       	push	r18
  50:	3f 93       	push	r19
  52:	8f 93       	push	r24
  54:	9f 93       	push	r25
  56:	af 93       	push	r26
  58:	bf 93       	push	r27
    // copy these to local variables so they can be stored in registers
    // (volatile variables must be read from memory on every access)
    unsigned long m = millis_timer_millis;
  5a:	80 91 65 00 	lds	r24, 0x0065	; 0x800065 <millis_timer_millis>
  5e:	90 91 66 00 	lds	r25, 0x0066	; 0x800066 <millis_timer_millis+0x1>
  62:	a0 91 67 00 	lds	r26, 0x0067	; 0x800067 <millis_timer_millis+0x2>
  66:	b0 91 68 00 	lds	r27, 0x0068	; 0x800068 <millis_timer_millis+0x3>
    unsigned char f = millis_timer_fract;
  6a:	30 91 64 00 	lds	r19, 0x0064	; 0x800064 <millis_timer_fract>
    static unsigned char correct_exact = 0;     // rollover intended
    if (++correct_exact < CORRECT_EXACT_MANY) {
    f += FRACT_INC;
  6e:	26 e0       	ldi	r18, 0x06	; 6
  70:	23 0f       	add	r18, r19

    if (f >= FRACT_MAX)
  72:	2d 37       	cpi	r18, 0x7D	; 125
  74:	68 f1       	brcs	.+90     	; 0xd0 <__vector_11+0x8c>
      f -= FRACT_MAX;
  76:	29 e8       	ldi	r18, 0x89	; 137
  78:	23 0f       	add	r18, r19
      m += MILLIS_INC + 1;
  7a:	03 96       	adiw	r24, 0x03	; 3
  7c:	a1 1d       	adc	r26, r1
  7e:	b1 1d       	adc	r27, r1
      m += MILLIS_INC;

    millis_timer_fract = f;
  80:	20 93 64 00 	sts	0x0064, r18	; 0x800064 <millis_timer_fract>
    millis_timer_millis = m;
  84:	80 93 65 00 	sts	0x0065, r24	; 0x800065 <millis_timer_millis>
  88:	90 93 66 00 	sts	0x0066, r25	; 0x800066 <millis_timer_millis+0x1>
  8c:	a0 93 67 00 	sts	0x0067, r26	; 0x800067 <millis_timer_millis+0x2>
  90:	b0 93 68 00 	sts	0x0068, r27	; 0x800068 <millis_timer_millis+0x3>
  94:	80 91 60 00 	lds	r24, 0x0060	; 0x800060 <__DATA_REGION_ORIGIN__>
  98:	90 91 61 00 	lds	r25, 0x0061	; 0x800061 <__DATA_REGION_ORIGIN__+0x1>
  9c:	a0 91 62 00 	lds	r26, 0x0062	; 0x800062 <__DATA_REGION_ORIGIN__+0x2>
  a0:	b0 91 63 00 	lds	r27, 0x0063	; 0x800063 <__DATA_REGION_ORIGIN__+0x3>
  a4:	01 96       	adiw	r24, 0x01	; 1
  a6:	a1 1d       	adc	r26, r1
  a8:	b1 1d       	adc	r27, r1
  aa:	80 93 60 00 	sts	0x0060, r24	; 0x800060 <__DATA_REGION_ORIGIN__>
  ae:	90 93 61 00 	sts	0x0061, r25	; 0x800061 <__DATA_REGION_ORIGIN__+0x1>
  b2:	a0 93 62 00 	sts	0x0062, r26	; 0x800062 <__DATA_REGION_ORIGIN__+0x2>
  b6:	b0 93 63 00 	sts	0x0063, r27	; 0x800063 <__DATA_REGION_ORIGIN__+0x3>
  ba:	bf 91       	pop	r27
  bc:	af 91       	pop	r26
  be:	9f 91       	pop	r25
  c0:	8f 91       	pop	r24
  c2:	3f 91       	pop	r19
  c4:	2f 91       	pop	r18
  c6:	0f 90       	pop	r0
  c8:	0f be       	out	0x3f, r0	; 63
  ca:	0f 90       	pop	r0
  cc:	1f 90       	pop	r1
  ce:	18 95       	reti
      f -= FRACT_MAX;
      m += MILLIS_INC + 1;
      m += MILLIS_INC;
  d0:	02 96       	adiw	r24, 0x02	; 2
  d2:	a1 1d       	adc	r26, r1
  d4:	b1 1d       	adc	r27, r1
  d6:	d4 cf       	rjmp	.-88     	; 0x80 <__vector_11+0x3c>

000000d8 <main>:

  // Use the Millis Timer for fast PWM (unless it doesn't have an output).
    #if defined(WGM01) // if Timer0 has PWM
      TCCR0A = (1<<WGM01) | (1<<WGM00);
  d8:	83 e0       	ldi	r24, 0x03	; 3
  da:	80 bf       	out	0x30, r24	; 48
    #if defined(TCCR0B) //The x61 has a wacky Timer0!
      TCCR0B = (MillisTimer_Prescale_Index << CS00);
  dc:	83 bf       	out	0x33, r24	; 51
    TCCR1A = 1<<WGM10;
    TCCR1B = (1<<WGM12) | (MillisTimer_Prescale_Index << CS10);

  // this needs to be called before setup() or some functions won't work there
  de:	78 94       	sei
    // Enable the overflow interrupt (this is the basic system tic-toc for millis)
    #if defined(TIMSK) && defined(TOIE0) && (TIMER_TO_USE_FOR_MILLIS == 0)
      sbi(TIMSK, TOIE0);
    #elif defined(TIMSK0) && defined(TOIE0) && (TIMER_TO_USE_FOR_MILLIS == 0)
      sbi(TIMSK0, TOIE0);
  e0:	99 b7       	in	r25, 0x39	; 57
  e2:	91 60       	ori	r25, 0x01	; 1
  e4:	99 bf       	out	0x39, r25	; 57
    #elif (TIMER_TO_USE_FOR_TONE == 1 ) && defined(__AVR_ATtinyX7__)
      TCCR1A = (1<<COM1A1)|(1<<COM1B1)|(1<<WGM10);
      TCCR1B = (ToneTimer_Prescale_Index << CS10);
    #elif (TIMER_TO_USE_FOR_TONE == 1) // x4, x8, x313,
      // Use the Tone Timer for phase correct PWM
      TCCR1A = (1<<WGM10);
  e6:	91 e0       	ldi	r25, 0x01	; 1
  e8:	9f bd       	out	0x2f, r25	; 47
      TCCR1B = (0<<WGM12) | (0<<WGM13) | (ToneTimer_Prescale_Index << CS10); //set the clock
  ea:	8e bd       	out	0x2e, r24	; 46
    #if defined(ADCSRA)
      // set a2d prescale factor
      // ADCSRA = (ADCSRA & ~((1<<ADPS2)|(1<<ADPS1)|(1<<ADPS0))) | (ADC_ARDUINO_PRESCALER << ADPS0) | (1<<ADEN);
      // dude, this is being called on startup. We know that ADCSRA is 0! Why add a RMW cycle?!
  ec:	86 e8       	ldi	r24, 0x86	; 134
  ee:	86 b9       	out	0x06, r24	; 6
  f0:	ff cf       	rjmp	.-2      	; 0xf0 <main+0x18>

000000f2 <_exit>:
  f2:	f8 94       	cli

000000f4 <__stop_program>:
  f4:	ff cf       	rjmp	.-2      	; 0xf4 <__stop_program>`

If i try with "arduino nano" board, the size is good in each case, it's why i open that issue here and not for arduino core.
