- 0 has an expired certificate
#45 opened by ArminJo - 2
- 6
URL not found avr-gcc-7.3.0-atmel3.6.1-azduino7b-aarch64-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2
#43 opened by Nuts-Underline - 7 is not working anymore for Github actions
#42 opened by ArminJo - 20
The "NVM_STATUS 'was not declared in this scope" error is still present when compiling on Linux.
#39 opened by michpro - 2
XML failure in package_drazzy.com_index.json
#40 opened by uweng - 3
#41 opened by SpenceKonde - 8
- 2
Transitioning to new hostname
#36 opened by SpenceKonde - 1
- 2
Replace wetware release scripting
#3 opened by SpenceKonde - 3
- 0
Board Manager doesn't work with Arduino Pro IDE
#33 opened by sstaub - 2
Set 1.0.4 of megaTinyCore and 1.2.6 of ATTinyCore to use AVRdude 6.3.0arduino17
#25 opened by SpenceKonde - 3
Entry for newly added URL doesn't appear the first time Boards Manager is opened
#5 opened by per1234