
Working through Vue JS Crash Course by Traversy Media

Primary LanguageVue

Vue JS Crash Course

by Traversy Media

YouTube Link


Tracking my progress through the course.

Course Sections

Section 1: Intro and Slides

  • Complete!

Section 2: User Generator Mini Project (CDN)

  • Watched, but not coded

Section 3: Vue CLI Setup

  • complete!

Section 4: Files, Dev Server, & Cleanup

  • complete!

Section 5: Global Styles

  • complete!

Section 6: Header Component

  • complete!

Section 7: Component Props

  • complete!

Section 8: Button Component

  • complete!

Section 9: Events

  • complete!

Section 10: Task Data & created() Method

  • complete!

Section 11: Tasks Component & v-for Loop

  • complete!

Section 12: Single Task Component

  • complete!

Section 13: Dynamic Classes

  • complete!

Section 14: Emit Events (Delete Task)

  • complete!

Section 15: Toggle Reminder

  • complete!

Section 16: AddTask Component & v-model

  • complete!

Section 17: Toggle Form & Template Conditionals

  • complete!

Section 18: Building For Production

  • complete!

Section 19: JSON-Server Setup

  • complete!

Section 20: Refactoring to Use The Backend

  • complete!

Section 21: Implementing the Router

  • complete!

Section 22: Restrict a Component to a Route

  • complete!


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