
Tracking my progress through the Node and Express Tutorial by Coding Addict

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node and Express Tutorial

by Coding Addict

Video Link - Basics Video Link - Projects


Tracking my progress through the course.

Course Repo


Course Chapters

Node and Express Intro

Section 1: Intro

  • Intro
  • Course Intro
  • What is Node
  • Course Requirements
  • Course Structure
  • Browser Vs Server
  • Install Node
  • Repl
  • Cli
  • Source Code
  • Globals
  • Modules Setup
  • First Module
  • Alternative Syntax
  • Mind Grenade

Section 2: Built-In Modules

  • Built-In Module Intro
  • Os Module
  • Path Module
  • Fs Module (Sync)
  • Fs Module (Async)
  • Sync Vs Async
  • Http Intro
  • Http Module (Setup)
  • Http Module (More Features)

Section 3: NPM

  • NPM Info
  • NPM Command
  • First Package
  • Share Code
  • Nodemon
  • Uninstall
  • Global Install
  • Package-Lock.Json

Section 4: Important Topics

  • Important Topics Intro
  • Event Loop
  • Event Loop Slides
  • Event Loop Code Examples
  • Async Patterns - Blocking Code
  • Async Patterns - Setup Promises
  • Async Patterns - Refactor To Async
  • Async Patterns - Node's Native Option
  • Events Info
  • Events Emitter - Code Example
  • Events Emitter - Additional Info
  • Events Emitter - Http Module Example
  • Streams Intro
  • Streams - Read File
  • Streams - Additional Info
  • Streams - Http Example
  • End Of Node Tutorial Module

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Section 5: Creating Servers

  • HTTP Request/Response Cycle
  • Http Messages
  • Starter Project Install
  • Starter Overview
  • Http Basics
  • Http - Headers
  • Http - Request Object
  • Http - Html File
  • Http - App Example

Section 6: Express

  • Express Info
  • Express Basics
  • Express - App Example
  • Express - All Static

Section 7: API

  • API Vs SSR
  • JSON Basics
  • Params, Query String - Setup
  • Route Params
  • Params - Extra Info
  • Query String
  • Additional Params And Query String Info

Section 8: Middleware

  • Middleware - Setup
  • Multiple Middleware Functions
  • Additional Middleware Info

Section 9: Methods

  • Methods - GET
  • Methods - POST
  • Methods - POST (Form Example)
  • Methods - POST (Javascript Example)
  • Install Postman
  • Methods - PUT
  • Methods - DELETE

Section 10: Express Router

  • Express Router - Setup
  • Express Router - Controllers

Chapter Complete!

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Node and Express Projects

Project #1 - Task Manager

  • Completed!

Project #2 - Store API

  • Complete!

Project #3 - JWT Basics

  • Complete!

Project #4 - Jobs API

  • Complete!

Chapter Complete!

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