SVT Robotics - Take Home Recruiting Assessment

This assessment was written in Typescript and contains the following dependencies: *@types/node *dotenv *typescript *ts-node


1: Clone this repo and run yarn to install dependencies 2: Run yarn start 3: Make a POST request to https://localhost:5001/api/robots/closest/ using a JSON payload for a load example:

    "loadId": 231, //Arbitrary ID of the load which needs to be moved.
    "x": 5, //Current x coordinate of the load which needs to be moved.
    "y": 3 //Current y coordinate of the load which needs to be moved.

Features that I would add next

  • I would like to add something to use as a fallback in case the URL used to retrieve the list of robots is down
    • There was another endpoint in the instructions for this assessment, so that could potentially be backup
  • A unit test of some kind would be useful, especially if this API would grow.
  • Documentation using OpenAPI
    • This was written in Typescript, but having docs available may be useful for future developers (or myself eventually)
  • My aim was to use very few libraries for this assessment but axios could have been used to make the call to retrieve the robots. In addition, a framework like express could be used if any additional routes were added.
  • I thought about whether or not having logs of the load requests would be useful in certain events
    • If the closest robots happend to have low battery levels
    • If a load retrieved by a robot happens to have been in the wrong location


This was a fun exercise and I would love to tackle problems like this on a daily basis. I would like to know more about how the robots operate because that could lead to some additional features or enhancements.