
Rio Query Language - the worst DB in the world

Primary LanguageGo

RQL - Rio Query Language

Build Status

This is a toy DBMS built purely for educational purposes. It implements a small subset of MySQL/Postgresql. Definitely DO NOT use this for anything real. 100% the worst database ever built.

Table Of Contents

RQL Grammar

Below is the basic grammer used in the RQL DBMS. The characters [, ], and | are not used as delimeters in the language so we use them as punctuation to help define patterns.

The | character represents a boolean or. So:

<Constant> := STRING_TOK | INT_TOK

Means a constant can be either a string or an int.

The [/] characters are used to denote an optional aspect of the grammar. So:

<Predicate> := <Term> [ AND <Predicate> ]

Can be composed of a <Term> optionally followed by a <Predicate>. The following are all valid <Predicate>'s:

UserName = 'Spencer'
Color = 'red' AND Category = 'flower'
Language = 'english' AND Age = 25 AND EyeColor = 'blue'

With that, the entire grammer for the RQL language (small subset of SQL) can be found below:

<Field>       := IDENT
<Constant>    := STRING_TOK | INT_TOK
<Expression>  := <Field> | <Constant>
<Term>        := <Expression> = <Expression>
<Predicate>   := <Term> [ AND <Predicate> ]
<SelectList>  := <Field> [ , <SelectList> ]
<TableList>   := IDENT [ , <TableList> ]
<UpdateCmd>   := <Insert> | <Delete> | <Modify> | <Create>
<Create>      := <CreateTable> | <CreateIndex>
<Insert>      := INSERT INTO IDENT ( <FieldList> ) VALUES ( <ConstList> )
<FieldList>   := <Field> [ , <FieldList> ]
<ConstList>   := <Constant> [ , <Constant> ]
<Delete>      := DELETE FROM IDENT [ WHERE <Predicate> ]
<Modify>      := UPDATE IDENT SET <Field> = <Expression> [ WHERE <Predicate> ]
<CreateTable> := CREATE TABLE IDENT ( <FieldDefs> )
<FieldDefs>   := <FieldDef> [ , <FieldDefs> ]
<FieldDef>    := IDENT <TypeDef>
<TypeDef>     := INT | VARCHAR ( INT_TOK )
<CreateIndex> := CREATE INDEX IDENT ON IDENT ( <Field> )

Major Components

  • CLI
  • Remote
  • Planner
  • Parse
  • Lexer
  • Query
  • Metadata
  • Record
  • Transaction
  • Buffer
  • Tracer/Stats
  • Log
  • File



  id int,
  name varchar(200),
  company varchar(100)
INSERT INTO users VALUES (1, 'Spencer Dixon', 'Rio');
INSERT INTO users VALUES (1, 'Stefan VanBuren', 'Rio');
SELECT name FROM users;