
A JavaScript library for panning and zooming elements using CSS3 Transformations.


PanZoom is a lightweight native JavaScript library for panning and zooming elements using CSS3 Transformations. It's built to have a small footprint and be simple to use.


You can grab the latest version by linking raw file directly:

<script src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SpencerWie/Panzoom/master/dist/panzoom.min.js"></script>

Or clone this Repository and link to the code:

<script src="path/to/repo/dist/panzoom.min.js"></script>

How to use

Simply call the method PanZoom like so:

PanZoom(selector, [settings]);

All your elements given by your selector will now have panning and zoomming functionality. For example, we could have the class panzoom which has many elements:

<h1 class="panzoom">Hello World!</h1>
<img class="panzoom" src=".." .. />
<div class="panzoom" .. >Foo Bar</div>
<canvas class="panzoom" ..></canvas>

Our JavaScript code for applying Panzoom on these elements would be:



The second parameter takes an object which can be used to customize the settings of Panzoom, the following keys can be used:

  • minScale   [Number | default = 0.1]: The smallest value an image can be zoomed into.
  • maxScale      [Number | default = 5]: The largest value an image can be zoomed into.
  • increment[Number | default = 0.05]: How much to zoom on an image on each zoom event.
  • liner      [Boolean | default = false]: Whether to zoom linearly or non-lineraly when using increment. Non-linery scales more the closer you are the the image and less when further away.

An example of using custom settings:

PanZoom(".panzoom", {minScale: 0.2, maxScale: 3, increment: 0.1, liner: true});
