Python and Markdown

Markdown basics

  • Hashtags for headings.

Marking code

  • Use backticks to mark something as code, it is only what's within the backticks that's marked as code.
  • To mark as a code block start with and end with three backticks.

print("Hello World!")

Highlighting text

  • This is how you do italics: italics or italics.
  • This is how you do bold: bold.
  • Don't have spaces at the beginning or end of the line, or it won't have the effect.
  • To force a new line use a proper '< br >' tag.

Bullet points vs numbered lists

  • Use a * or - at the start.
    • push tab to indent for you.
  1. Start with one then a full stop and a space.
  2. Use this for when you have to write down steps.
    • You can then indent and go back to bullets to indent.
  3. Back to numbers again

Use this file to create notes on Python.