
Geolocation coordinates on image

Primary LanguageJavaScript


npm version

Get started:

npm install geomapping

Include GeoMapping script, you can also load a config file.

<script src="myPath/geomapping.js"></script>
<script src="myPath/geomap-config.js"></script>

Init geoMapping:

var geoMap = new GeoMapping(geomapConfig);

See example of config


  • getPoints(): Return all points with x and y position.
  • getPointById(id): Return the point object.
  • filterPointsByData(key, value): Return points object filtered by your params.
  • addPoint(lat, lng, id, data): Add it to the list of points.
  • removePoint(id): Remove it from the list of points.
  • getLatLngOnMap(x, y): Get lat and lng of a point in the map.
  • getPointXYOnMap(lat, lng): Get x and y of a coord in the map.
  • trackPosition(errorCallback): Track user GPS position, use "UPDATE_POSITION" event to get map point coords.
  • stopTrackPosition(): Stop tracking position.


var points = geoMap.getPoints();
var myPoint = geoMap.addPoint(43.604652, 1.444209, "Toulouse", {
    dpt: "Haute Garonne",
    postal: 31000
    createHotspot(myPoint.x, myPoint.y);
geoMap.filterPointsByData("postal", 31000);
    // Error code here


  • READY : when the lib is ready.
  • ADD : when a point is added.
  • REMOVE : when a point is removed.
  • UPDATE_POSITION : when the user move when tracking position is activated.
  • STOP_POSITION : when tracking is stopped.


geoMap.on(GeoMapping.EVENTS.READY, function(){
    console.log('READY !!');

geoMap.on(GeoMapping.EVENTS.ADD, function(data){
    console.log('NEW POINT ADDED !!', data);

Library Dev:

Compil via rollup:

  • Dev live reload: npm run watch
  • Build: npm run build

Test: Open ./test/index.html

npm run test do not work for the moment (No DOM to load Image)