
⚗️ Deploy and test your new Agave validator features in a kubernetes-based cluster

Primary LanguageRust

Validator Lab

Deploy Validator Clusters for Testing


In Validator Lab we can deploy and test new validator features quickly and easily. Validator Lab will take your modified validator code and deploy a cluster of validators running in Kubernetes pods on nodes all around the world. This allows us to spin up and tear down over a thousand validators with ease and with little user intervention.


  • This library is a work in progress. It will be built over a series of PRs. See PROGRESS.md for roadmap and progress

How to run


Ensure you have the proper permissions to conenct to the Monogon Kubernetes endpoint. Reach out to Leo on slack if you need the key (you do if you haven't asked him in the past).

From your local build host, login to Docker for pushing/pulling repos. Currently we just use the users own Docker login. This will likely change in the future.

docker login
kubectl create ns <namespace>


Build Agave from local agave repo

cargo run --bin cluster --
    -n <namespace>
    --local-path <path-to-local-agave-monorepo>

Build specific Agave release

cargo run --bin cluster --
    -n <namespace>
    --release-channel <agave-version: e.g. v1.17.28> # note: MUST include the "v"

Build from Local Repo and Configure Genesis and Bootstrap and Validator Image


cargo run --bin cluster -- 
    -n <namespace> 
    --local-path /home/sol/solana
    --num_validators <number-of-non-bootstrap-voting-validators>
    # genesis config. Optional: Many of these have defaults
    --hashes-per-tick <hashes-per-tick>
    --faucet-lamports <faucet-lamports>
    --bootstrap-validator-sol <validator-sol>
    --bootstrap-validator-stake-sol <validator-stake>
    --max-genesis-archive-unpacked-size <size in bytes>
    --target-lamports-per-signature <lamports-per-signature>
    --slots-per-epoch <slots-per-epoch>
    # docker config
    --registry <docker-registry>        # e.g. gregcusack 
    --tag <docker-image-tag>            # e.g. v1
    --base-image <base-image>           # e.g. ubuntu:20.04
    --image-name <docker-image-name>    # e.g. cluster-image
    # validator config
    --internal-node-sol <Sol>
    --internal-node-stake-sol <Sol>
    # kubernetes config
    --cpu-requests <cores>
    --memory-requests <memory>


  1. Setup metrics database:
./init-metrics -c <database-name> -u <metrics-username>
# enter password when prompted
  1. add the following to your cluster command from above
--metrics-host https://internal-metrics.solana.com # need the `https://` here
--metrics-port 8086
--metrics-db <database-name>            # from (1)
--metrics-username <metrics-username>   # from (1)
--metrics-password <metrics-password>   # from (1)

RPC Nodes

You can add in RPC nodes. These sit behind a load balancer. Load balancer distributed loads across all RPC nodes that the bootstrap. Set the number of RPC nodes with:

--num-rpc-nodes <num-nodes>

Kubernetes Cheatsheet

Create namespace:

kubectl create ns <namespace>

Delete namespace:

kubectl delete ns <namespace>

Get running pods:

kubectl get pods -n <namespace>

Get pod logs:

kubectl logs -n <namespace> <pod-name>

Exec into pod:

kubectl exec -it -n <namespace> <pod-name> -- /bin/bash

Get information about pod:

kubectl describe pod -n <namespace> <pod-name>