
A utility to concurrently make HTTP requests, with an optional rate limit. Powered by asyncio and aiohttp.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A utility to concurrently make HTTP requests, with an optional rate limit. Powered by asyncio and aiohttp.


Install and update via pip

pip install --U eidolon

A Simple Example

import asyncio
import logging
from eidolon import Parallelizer
from eidolon.api_request import APIRequest

the callback should ideally be an async function, since methods
like .json or .text on the response are async

async def callback(request, response):
    print(await response.text())

Create an APIRequest object. Each object corresponds to a single request, and can take in an optional callback
Everything except request_method and request_url is optional
req = APIRequest(
    request_headers={"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0"},
    request_params={"q": "python"},
    request_json={"key": "value"},
    request_form_data={"key": "value"},

p = Parallelizer(
    logging_level=logging.INFO, # default: logging.ERROR
    max_requests_per_second=10, # default: 1
    max_retry_attempts=1, # default: 3
    seconds_to_sleep_after_rate_limit_error=10, # default: 15

# make 100 requests
asyncio.run(p.make_requests([req] * 100))