Here, you'll find the code used by my various Data Science projects, among other things!
Pinned Repositories
Fully functional version of the game Connect-4, with a couple of twists: 1) Players are able to customize their board size, as well as the amount of discs that need to be connected to win, and 2) There is a "pop-out" option. Instead of dropping in a piece, players may remove one of their own pieces currently on the bottom row of the game board, thus moving all the pieces above it down a level.
In this project, data pertaining to apps downloaded on Google Play and App Store was dissected and analyzed to ascertain what kind of free apps might be best to make for a company that generated the entirety of their revenue from in-app advertisements.
Employee exit survey results from two institutes, Department of Education, Training and Employment (DETE) and the Technical and Further Education (TAFE) in Queensland, Australia, were analyzed to discover if there were notable relationships between employee dissatisfaction rates, and factors such as their Age, and how long they had been working at their respective institutes.
List of various Machine Learning algorithms used in projects.
R and Python were both used for different parts of this project. Here, data from Surveys was used to investigate as to whether the perceptions of a schools appeared correlated to the academic success of students from that school. Correlation of variables like SAT scores with demographic factors were also analyzed.
This repository hosts projects where PostgreSQL and SQLite were run using an R or Python environment, to either query, modify, or create a database.
Summary generator app built using React.js, RTK, Tailwind. Uses Vite.
Various Visualizations on Tableau. Links to my public Tableau Profile, as well as to any data processing/cleaning done on programs other than Tableau will be found here.
Twitter Sentiment Analysis was performed using the Twitter API, using a wordcloud and other visualizations. Data was used for predictive modelling using Naive Bayes classifier.
SphericalSilver's Repositories
List of various Machine Learning algorithms used in projects.
Fully functional version of the game Connect-4, with a couple of twists: 1) Players are able to customize their board size, as well as the amount of discs that need to be connected to win, and 2) There is a "pop-out" option. Instead of dropping in a piece, players may remove one of their own pieces currently on the bottom row of the game board, thus moving all the pieces above it down a level.
Employee exit survey results from two institutes, Department of Education, Training and Employment (DETE) and the Technical and Further Education (TAFE) in Queensland, Australia, were analyzed to discover if there were notable relationships between employee dissatisfaction rates, and factors such as their Age, and how long they had been working at their respective institutes.
In this project, data pertaining to apps downloaded on Google Play and App Store was dissected and analyzed to ascertain what kind of free apps might be best to make for a company that generated the entirety of their revenue from in-app advertisements.
This repository hosts projects where PostgreSQL and SQLite were run using an R or Python environment, to either query, modify, or create a database.
Various Visualizations on Tableau. Links to my public Tableau Profile, as well as to any data processing/cleaning done on programs other than Tableau will be found here.
Twitter Sentiment Analysis was performed using the Twitter API, using a wordcloud and other visualizations. Data was used for predictive modelling using Naive Bayes classifier.
eBay Car Listings were cleaned and then organized to glean insight as to the demographics of the cars being sold, and the correlations between variables like the brand of a car and its price.
In this project, Hacker News Submissions were analyzed to determine how a user should go about making a post in order for it to generate the greatest amount of responses from other users on the board.
R and Python were both used for different parts of this project. Here, data from Surveys was used to investigate as to whether the perceptions of a schools appeared correlated to the academic success of students from that school. Correlation of variables like SAT scores with demographic factors were also analyzed.
Summary generator app built using React.js, RTK, Tailwind. Uses Vite.
Pandas is used to appropriately sort through house data in the United States, and then after achieving the intended changes, a t-test is performed on the data to compare the ratio of the mean price of houses in university towns the quarter before the recession starts, compared to at the recession bottom.
Profiles of healthy people and diabetic people were analyzed and used to build a predictive model to gauge the diabetes risk index of an untested person.
Data on Forest Fires was explored and visualized using the R program to understand what variables contributed to the likelihood of a Forest Fire, so as to be able to better predict them. Variables that increased the severity of a Forest Fire were also explored.
Testing git
Employment Rates and mean salaries associated with various college majors in US Universities were analyzed to understand the relationship between those factors and each major. Additionally, some secondary analysis on gender proportion changes over the year was visualized.
Various projects directly incorporating statistical concepts to generate insights critical to Data Analysis
In this project, sentiment analysis was performed using Survey Results conducted by FiveThirtyEight, with Star Wars movie watchers as the respondent. After some thorough cleaning and analysis, some useful information was gained on each movie's viewership, rating, and how each the data varied based on factors like gender, or whether the viewer considered themselves a fan of the franchise.
Various methods of scraping websites for Data are explored here.