
Easy to use South African ID validator. It validates from any HTML element capable of containing text and returns an object with easy to use information

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Easy to use South African ID validator. It validates from any HTML element capable of containing text and returns an object with easy to use information


  //new SaIdValidae( idenifier/id number [, charactersToIgnore] );
  //returns an object with list of matching elements ( have className: id-number-family )
  var validationObjects = new SaIdValidae( ".id-number-family" );
  //returns an object with matched element ( have id: id-number-1 )
  var validationObjects = new SaIdValidae( "#id-number-1" );
  //You can specify which characters to ignore for id numbers with masks for example, like : 999999-9999-999 , ignore dashes or maybe
  //the id number just happens to be within a mess, like 9+_)9999!9-99()99-&&999
  //syntax for specifying characters to ignore is :
  //                                            [ 45 ] "For one character, in this case a dash - "
  //                                            [ 45 ] : [ 97 ] "Separate by colon for two or more, i.e ignore dash and alphabet 'a'"
  //                                            [ 97 - 122 ] "Specify ranges for grouped characters, ignores all lowercase alphabets"
  var validationObjects = new SaIdValidae( ".id-number-family" , "[ 40 - 42 ] : [ 45 ]" );
  //returns an array, always returns an array ( note the name validae :) ), with objects containing validation information, along with the html elements the tests took place on
  //The returned array will always containe one element if an id was used to get matching objects


  var results = validationObjects.validate();
  //validate id number that's not in html element
  var validation = new SaIdValidae("xxxxxxxxxxxxx").validate();
  /*  [
          valid : true,
          messages : [], ---empty array if id number is valid
          gender : "f":, ---female
          citizen : "SA-Citizen",
          elem : [object HTMLInputElement],
          dd : 12,
          mm : 08,
          yy : 94,
          yyyy : 1994,
          mmmm : August

##Settings Object

  //The values are he actual defaults
  //Note that every instantiated object makes a copy of these and can then have its own settings changed locally
  SaIdValidaeSettings = {
		showCapturedErrors:true,//show captured errors in console
		showCapturedWarnings:true,//show captured warnings in console
		ignoreWhiteSpace:true,//ignore white spaces in the id number
		messages : {
			invalidCharacters:"Invalid characters in id number",
			invalidLength:"Invalid length",
			invalidDay:"Invalid day",
			invalidMonth:"Invalid Month",
			invalidYear:"Invalid Year",
			invalidCitizenNumber:"Invalid Citizen Number",
			invalidSecondLastDigit:"Invalid second last digit"

##Consider Leap Year on validation

  //If considerLeapYear is true, any id number with month February and day 29 on any year not divisible by 4 (leap year) will be considered invalid
  SaIdValidaeSettings.considerLeapYear = true;
  //this will require that you set current year as well, year on local computer not reliable
  SaIdValidaeSettings.year = 2016;
  //or set settings on instantiated object. Note this does not affect 'SaIdValidaeSettings' properties
  validationObjects.considerLeapYear = true;
  validationObjects.year = true;

##2006 or 1906? :\

  //If forgetThe19s is true, any 1900s year whose last two digits match the last two digits of any 2000s year we've reached (theoretically) will be ignored
  //e.g 06 = 2006 instead of 1906
  SaIdValidaeSettings.forgetThe1900s = true;
  //note SaIdValidaeSettings.year will be used to check current yeah and thus must be set
  SaIdValidaeSettings.year = 2016;
  //or again, locally
  validationObjects.year = true;
  //If there are years you do not want ignored
  //May be useful for ignoring id numbers of 5 year olds
  SaIdValidaeSettings.dontForgetThese1900s = [5,11,17];//Years will be seen as 1905, 1911, 1917 instead of 2005, 2011 and 2017

##Second Last Digit (The 8)?

//by default 8 and 9 are accepted, you can add additional ones or maybe even eliminate the 9
SaIdValidaeSettings.secondLastDigitAcceptables = [ 8, 9, 0 ];

//or use the best Array function
SaIdValidaeSettings.secondLastDigitAcceptables.push( 0 );