Hi there 👋

My Name is Spiff Jekey-Green. I am a Full Stack Software Engineer. I use my knowledge of computer science and problem solving to build software solutions that can solve problems.

Strong Languages: JavaScript, and Typescript.

Technologies I've worked with: NextJS, NestJs, Rust, Solidity, Hardhat, Web3js, MySQL, Postgresql, MongoDB, Reddis, GraphQL, AWS.

  • 🔭 I’m currently building and maintaining open source tools and services like on Serve, Spekni, Rocketmeme, React Infinitely etc.
  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on open source tools for developers and machine learning.
  • 💬 Ask me about Software Engineering, Machine Learning and JavaScript.
  • 📫 Connect with me: Linkedin, Twitter, Research Gate.

  • Learn more about me on my website