A simple chat application written in python
- Python
- Socketio
- Tailwind
- Chat box
- Find friends
- [] Message status
- Add friend
- Remove friend
- [] Delete Message
- Profile
- Friend list
- Login/logout
This includes both hardware and software requirements
The minimum hardware requirements for the system are as follows:
- 1 GB RAM
- x86 64-bit CPU (Intel / AMD architecture)
- 1 GB free disk space.
- Mysql server
- Python 3
- Socket.io
- Modern Operating System (Windows, linux, mac os)
create and activate a python virtual environment
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
To deactive - simply run the code below
$ deactivate
Run the following commands to:
Install Dependencies
$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Save Dependencies
$ python -m pip freeze > requirements.txt
Run the following command
$ python ./src/main.py