
My configuration files

Primary LanguageShell

My dotfiles


  • Zorin rice
    • bashrc
    • zshrc
    • vimrc
    • dunstrc
    • tmux conf
    • compton conf
    • i3 conf
    • i3status conf
    • polybar conf
    • conky conf
    • i3lock minimal lock png
    • i3 scripts
      • battery.sh
      • launchPolybar.sh
      • networkConnect.sh
      • fullscreenWrap.sh
    • i3status scripts
      • i3statusPythonWrapper.py
      • scratchpadIndicator.py
      • starti3status.sh
    • polybar scripts
      • core-temp.sh
      • disk-load.sh
      • mic-volume.sh
      • pulseauto-control.sh
      • spotify_status.py
  • Arch rice
    • bashrc
    • zshrc (with zshkeys and apps)
    • vimrc
    • tmux conf
    • libinput-gestures conf
    • yaycache
    • gitconfig
    • vscode settings and keybinds
  • AHK scripts
    • SwitchToRecent.ahk
    • AltTilde.ahk
    • CloseWindow.ahk
    • MediaControls.ahk