Discord bot for interfacing with Scoresaber and Beatsaver
Invite link: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=785384457481355294&permissions=67584&scope=bot
$user [name or id]
- Get scoresaber user information on a player using their ID or name. Will throw an error if there is more than one user with a given name$scores [name or id]
- Get scoresaber leaderboard information on a player using their ID or name. Will throw an error if there is more than one user with a given name$findmaps [search query]
- Search for Beatsaver maps using a query.$getmap [hash or key]
- Get information on a Beatsaver map using its hash or ID.
The Scoresaber and Beatsaver API wrappers used in this project were both written by me, you can check them out here:
- Clone the repo (
git clone https://github.com/SpikeHD/SaberBot.git
) - Set up a bot user here
- Invite the bot to your server (use the OAuth section to generate a link by selecting the "bot" checkbox)
- Create a copy of the example configuration and fill in the values (
cp example.config.json config.json
) npm install
to install dependanciesnode index
Issues, PRs, etc. all welcome!