
Latest Jotunn update broke XPortal: Dialog Window not working anymore

SolSeptem opened this issue · 5 comments

Describe the bug
When interacting with the portal, the window is not dismissable, and fields cant be interacted with. this blocks the game from being played because the window stays in your face. This ocurred only after updating to Jotunn 2.15.1

BepInEx log is as follows:

[Error : Unity Log] MissingFieldException: Field not found: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<TMPro.TextMeshProUGUI, string> .Localization.textMeshStrings Due to: Could not find field in class
Stack trace:
XPortal.UI.PortalConfigurationPanel.AddGamepadHint (UnityEngine.GameObject go, System.String buttonName, UnityEngine.KeyCode keyCode) (at :0)
XPortal.UI.PortalConfigurationPanel.InitialiseUI () (at :0)
XPortal.UI.PortalConfigurationPanel.ConfigurePortal (XPortal.KnownPortal portal) (at :0)
XPortal.XPortal.OnPortalRequestText (ZDOID portalId) (at :0)
XPortal.Patches.TextInput_RequestText.Prefix (TextReceiver sign) (at :0)
(wrapper dynamic-method) TextInput.DMDTextInput::RequestText(TextInput,TextReceiver,string,int)
TeleportWorld.Interact (Humanoid human, System.Boolean hold, System.Boolean alt) (at :0)
(wrapper dynamic-method) Player.DMDPlayer::Interact(Player,UnityEngine.GameObject,bool,bool)
(wrapper dynamic-method) Player.DMDPlayer::Update(Player)

To Reproduce
Update Jotunn to the latest version and try to interact with a portal.

Expected behaviour
Expected is that the window works as before the update to jotunn 2.15.1

LogOutput file(s)
see above



Other mods

many but none involving portals. Things I can think of that might interact are

All Warfare mods by Therzie


  • Critical * interacting with a portal breaks your game

Additional information

Confirmed. Same issue for me.

the Jotunn 2.15.2 update did not change anything it seems. Issue persists

My portals are also broken.
only update i had was for BepInExPack_Valheim by denikson
but we both share the
AzuExtendedPlayerInventory Mod so just putting that out there

Wasn't this caused by the Valheim 0.217.38 patch?

Thanks for reporting everyone. v1.2.20 should have fixed this issue, let me know if you run into any problems.