sftp cli

using rust for a cli for transfering files over a sftp connection



  • cli file transfer
  • sql databse(previous connections and relavitve file path)

side goals:

  • auto complelte on cli
  • files transfer with existing metadata, such as creation data, modify date and what not
  • get files to download which have spaces in their names
  • status of upload/download
  • setting permisions of mkdir (using mode status, default it is set as 0o755)
  • adding ssh terminal intergration
  • customisable renaming flags https://docs.rs/ssh2/latest/ssh2/struct.RenameFlags.html

cli commands

(✅complete, ❌incomplete, ❗ partially complete )

  • cd [dir name] - change directories✅
  • dir - gives abosulte path ✅
  • sw - switches between remote host and local host ✅
  • exit - closes connection ✅
  • ls - lists files and directories ✅
  • mkdir [dir name] [path] - make directory ❗ (path function is not working yet)
  • rmdir [dir name] [path]- remove directory ❗(path function is not working yet)
  • rm [file name] [path]-remove file ✅
  • rename [file/folder name] [new name]- rename file ✅
  • download [file/folder name] [local path] - downloads file/folder to local host ❗(only works for files atm)
  • upload [file/folder name] [remote host path]- uploads file/folder to remote host ❗ (only works for files atm)
  • move [file/folder name] [new destination path] [new name]- moves a file/folder to a new location ❗ (files only atm)