Abracadabra Money Contracts


  • Foundry
  • Rust/Cargo
  • Yarn
  • Linux / MacOS / WSL 2

Getting Started



Make a copy of .env.example to .env and set the desired parameters. This file is git ignored.

Build and Test.

yarn build
yarn test

Test a specific file

yarn test --match-path test/MyTest.t.sol

Deploy & Verify

This will run each deploy the script MyScript.s.sol inside script/ folder.

yarn deploy --network <network-name> --script <my-script-name>

yarn deploy:resume can be used if some contracts failed at deployment or verification process

Installing Libs

forge install <git repo name><@optionnal_tag_or_commit_hash>
yarn remappings

Update .vscode/settings.json to add the lib to git.ignoredRepositories list

Update a lib

forge update lib/<package>

Note: If pushing from vscode git, the updated libs might need to be removed from the git.ignoredRepositories list to be able to stage.

Updating Foundry

This will update to the latest Foundry release



Playground is a place to make quick tests. Everything that could be inside a normal test can be used there. Use case can be to test out some gas optimisation, decoding some data, play around with solidity, etc.

yarn playground

Verify contract example

Using Barebone Forge

Use deployments/MyContract.json to get the information needed for the verification

forge verify-contract --chain-id 1 --num-of-optimizations 200 --watch --constructor-args $(cast abi-encode "constructor(address,address[])" "<address>" "[<address>,address]") --compiler-version v0.8.16+commit.07a7930e <contract-address> src/MyContract.sol:MyContract -e <etherscan-api-key>

Using Deployment File

yarn task verify --deployment Avalanche_ElevatedMinterBurner_Mock  --network avalanche  --artifact src/periphery/ElevatedMinterBurner.sol:ElevatedMinterBurner

Where Avalanche_ElevatedMinterBurner_Mock is the deployment json file inside deployments/ and src/periphery/ElevatedMinterBurner.sol:ElevatedMinterBurner the <contract-path>:<contract-name> artifact.


Deploy a script on all chains

yarn task forge-deploy-multichain --script Create3Factory --broadcast --verify all

Deploy a script on some chains, without confirmations

yarn task forge-deploy-multichain --script Create3Factory --broadcast --no-confirm --verify mainnet polygon avalanche