
Example of Client-Server application written on pure Kotlin.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Simple kotlin fullstack application

Example of Client-Server application written on pure Kotlin.


Server is an example of RestAPI developed with Ktor. It has only two endpoints defined in server/src/.../Routing.kt.

To run local use:

./gradlew installDist
export PORT=8080

Repository also provide continuous deployment to Heroku (see Procfile).


Client is a web application written in Kotlin/JS. It provides simple HTML form with an input and submit button. Each submit sends POST request to server and shows its response.

At first, setup server url in client/src/.../Api.kt

To run local use:

./gradlew runBrowser

Client would start on localhost:80.

Also, client provides docker-based usage:

# 1. Build web application
./gradlew browserProductionWebpack
# 2. Build docker (copy sources into NGINX home directory)
docker build -t my-client-application .
# 3. Start docker in daemon mode
docker run -it -d --rm -p 80:80 --name daemon-client my-client-application

# To stop client
docker stop daemon-client