
:whale: palworld server with easy setup and possibility to change every config option via environment variable

Primary LanguageShell

Palworld Server

Static Badge Static Badge

This is an unofficial Docker container to let you host a dedicated Palworld server. You have the possibility to change every config option simply via environment variable.


Players from Xbox PC/Console will not be able to join a dedicated server. 1

How to use

  1. Create a folder on your machine where later the server should be saved in (e.g. /home/example/palworld-server)

  2. The folder has to have the following permissons: User ID 1000 und Group ID 1000 (use chown -R 1000:1000 /home/example/palworld-server)

  3. Create a docker compose file

    version: '3'
        image: spirit1998hd/palworld-server:latest
          - 8211:8211/udp
          ServerName: '"YourServerName"'
          ServerDescription: '"YourServerDescription"'
          ServerPassword: '"YourPassword"'
          AdminPassword: '"YourAdminPassword"'
        restart: unless-stopped
          - type: bind
            source: /home/example/palworld-server
            target: /home/steam/palworld
  4. Replace all placeholder values (don't forget to change the source volume to the folder you created in step 1)

  5. Start the compose script. All game file will now be saved in the folder you created in step 1


' -> let the container know it's a string

" -> to save the string in the config (without it the variabnle in the config would get reconized as a string)


PalWorldSettings.ini can be edited but will be overwritten on every restart

Enviroment variables

You can simply add these in the docker compose file.

Variable Description Default
Difficulty Difficulty of the game None
DayTimeSpeedRate Day time speed 1.0
NightTimeSpeedRate Night time speed 1.0
ExpRate EXP rate 1.0
PalCaptureRate Pal capture rate 1.0
PalSpawnNumRate Pal appearance rate 1.0
PalDamageRateAttack Damage from pals multipiler 1.0
PalDamageRateDefense Damage to pals multipiler 1.0
PlayerDamageRateAttack Damage from player multipiler 1.0
PlayerDamageRateDefense Damage to player multipiler 1.0
PlayerStomachDecreaceRate Player hunger depletion rate 1.0
PlayerStaminaDecreaceRate Player stamina reduction rate 1.0
PlayerAutoHPRegeneRate Player auto HP regeneration rate 1.0
PlayerAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep Player sleep HP regeneration rate 1.0
PalStomachDecreaceRate Pal hunger depletion rate 1.0
PalStaminaDecreaceRate Pal stamina reduction rate 1.0
PalAutoHPRegeneRate Pal auto HP regeneration rate 1.0
PalAutoHpRegeneRateInSleep Pal sleep health regeneration rate (in Palbox) 1.0
BuildObjectDamageRate Damage to structure multipiler 1.0
BuildObjectDeteriorationDamageRate Structure determination rate 1.0
CollectionDropRate Gatherable items multipiler 1.0
CollectionObjectHpRate Gatherable objects HP multipiler 1.0
CollectionObjectRespawnSpeedRate Gatherable objects respawn interval 1.0
EnemyDropItemRate Dropped Items Multipiler 1.0
DeathPenalty Death penalty All
GuildPlayerMaxNum Max player of Guild 20
PalEggDefaultHatchingTime Time(h) to incubate massive egg 72.0
ServerPlayerMaxNum Maximum number of people who can join the server 32
ServerName Server name "Default Palworld Server"
ServerDescription Server description ""
AdminPassword Admin Password ""
ServerPassword Set the server password. ""
PublicPort Public port number 8211
PublicIP Public IP ""
RCONEnabled Enable RCON False
RCONPort Port number for RCON 25575


Port Description
8211 Default Game Port (also used for direct connection)
25575 Default RCON Port (disabled by default)


How to start a second server on the same machine?
Just change the ports of your container for the server in the compose file. By default it would be 8211 but you can change it to something like 8212. Don't forget to also port forward the new port.


  1. Xbox players can only join by invite code (max 4 players). That also counts for players who bought the game in the Microsoft Store.