dragonfl.ai - Sight Through Sound

Welcome to dragonfl.ai, an innovative machine-learning model that empowers the visually impaired to perceive their surroundings using sound.

Table of Contents


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dragonfl.ai is a groundbreaking AI-powered solution that aims to enhance the independence and quality of life for the blind and visually impaired. Our mission is to transform visual information into auditory signals, providing a new perspective on the world.


Imagine a world where those who are blind can perceive their surroundings, read text, recognize objects, and navigate with ease using sound. dragonfl.ai brings us closer to this vision.

Key Features

  • Real-time Object Detection: dragonfl.ai uses advanced computer vision techniques to identify and describe objects in real-time.

  • Text-to-Speech Integration: The model can read printed text aloud, making it accessible to the visually impaired.

  • Navigation Assistance: dragonfl.ai helps users navigate their environment, avoiding obstacles and providing directions.

  • User-Friendly Interface: We've designed a simple and intuitive interface for easy interaction.

  • Customizable Alerts: Tailor dragonfl.ai to your preferences with customizable alerts and sound patterns.

How It Works

  1. Image Capture: dragonfl.ai captures images from a camera or smartphone.

  2. Computer Vision: The image is processed using state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms to identify objects and text.

  3. Audio Feedback: dragonfl.ai converts visual information into a rich soundscape, where different sounds represent various elements in the environment.

  4. User Interaction: Users can interact with dragonfl.ai through a mobile app or device to receive real-time feedback.

Next Steps

  1. Google Cloud SQL: Making the current login system compatible with Google Cloud's Hosting
  2. StreamLit and Google Analytics: Provide different analytics on the dashboard, that update based on the Firebase Database
  3. Cloud Functions
  4. Hardware: Taking the vision of the eyewear to a reality

Getting Started

Follow these steps to get started with dragonfl.ai:

  1. Clone the Repository:
    git clone https://github.com/yourusername/dragonfl.ai.git