Version: 0.019 (ALPHA)
RepRapCloud (rrcloud) is a small but powerful perl-script which provides an easy backend framework to relay computational work remote among many servers and retrieve the results locally; both synchronous (returns when done) and asynchronous (returns immediately telling you the state of task 'busy', 'complete' or 'failed').
% test.scad -otest.stl % test.jscad -otest.stl % --load=prusa.conf huge.stl --output=huge.gcode % /dev/ttyUSB3 huge.gcode
which uses myserver.local (as defined in rrcloudrc) and starts there to do the work (openjscad, slicing etc) on the particular server, and returns when the task is done (synchronous).
% rrcloud --s=myserver.local openscad test.scad id: 1361982308-837500 % rrcloud --s=myserver.local openjscad test.jscad id: 1361982310-219223 % rrcloud '--notifier=http://someserver.local/ping-$id' --s=myserver.local slic3r --load=prusa.conf huge.stl id: 1361982318-371735 % rrcloud '--notifier=http://$myip/done?$id' --s=myserver.local printrun /dev/ttyUSB3 huge.gcode id: 1361982322-198887
does nearly the same, except it returns right away (asynchronous), and if you call rrcloud info id and see if the job is 'completed' (or 'failed'), the result is found at tasks/out/id[.ext], depending on service proper extension is set.
The --notifier takes an URL, which is called once the server finished with the task, $id will be replaced with the task id, and $myip with the ip of the client requesting the task on the server (linking back).
Note: This is ALPHA software, no thorough security code-review has happened yet, so use it solely in a trusted (local) network.
- Perl
- Curl
- Apache HTTP or Lighttpd
- Multiple machines
- Further:
- (for .scad -> .stl)
- (for .jscad -> .stl)
- (for .stl -> .gcode)
- Printrun (for .gcode to printer)
- openscad (single file input/output), e.g. huge.scad -ohuge.stl (OpenSCAD)
- openjscad (single file input/output with support of OpenSCAD.js), e.g. huge.jscad -ohuge.stl (
- slic3r, e.g. --load=my.conf huge.stl --output=huge.gcode
- printrun e.g. /dev/ttyUSB3 huge.gcode
- not yet but planned:
- multiple input files not referenced by arguments (e.g. huge.scad including aa.scad) - likely by support of directory upload (not yet sure)
- multi-stage open[j]scad -> slic3r -> printrun
- fine-grained progress indicator
- suspend/resume/kill of jobs, in particular useful for printrun service
- 2013/05/20: 0.019: better XHR support Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * in header
- 2013/03/24: 0.018: integrating http:// notifier/callback for async requests
- 2013/03/07: 0.017: increased JSON support through all operations
- 2013/03/05: 0.016: native arguments (switches and variables) supported, printrun service added (via
- 2013/03/04: 0.015: preparing general interface for several dbs (mongodb, mysql, flat-file (default))
- 2013/03/03: 0.014: logging, and some code clean-up
- 2013/03/02: 0.013: checking preargN for validity
- 2013/03/02: 0.012: openjscad service included
- 2013/02/25: 0.011: rrcloudrc at various places considered, --local force local
- 2013/02/24: 0.009: replaced `` by fork & exec combo, a bit code cleaning up
- 2013/02/24: 0.008: additional prearguments (e.g. --load=file.conf as for slic3r)
- 2013/02/23: 0.007: directory support as input (experimental, disabled)
- 2013/02/22: 0.005: multiple input files supported, added 'echo' service
- 2013/02/19: 0.002: remote stuff slowly working, not yet complete
- 2013/02/18: 0.001: first version, simple services of openscad, slic3r working
% cpan Time:HiRes % make install
Be aware that rrcloud is a command-line program (CLI) and a CGI in one, the CLI is executed under your login, whereas the CGI is executed as user www-data or so (depends on your UNIX flavour). rrcloud (and *.cloud) create
- tasks/
- in/
- out/
- log/
- info/
Note: do not use rrcloud on itself, e.g. call rrcloud --s=localhost info and which calls the same local rrcloud, it will mix up state of the tasks and fail to deliver accurate results.
rrcloud is a hybrid of CLI and CGI as mentioned, so it can be used on the command-line or web, as client or server:
% ./ tests/cube.scad -otests/cube.stl % ./ tests/cube.stl --output=tests/cube.gcode
Note: *.cloud are just symbolical links (sym-links) to rrcloud, depending on the name rrcloud behaves accordingly.
Edit rrcloudrc in the same directory (or ~/.rrcloudrc):
servers = server.local,server2.local # , separated list slic3r.servers = server.local # server(s) for only openscad.servers = server2.local # server(s) for only printrun.servers = raspberrypi.local # server(s) for only
% ./ tests/cube.scad -otests/cube.stl % ./ tests/cube.stl --output=tests/cube.gcode
index.cgi is just a sym-link to rrcloud, you can access the servers remotely via http://server.local:4468 when you configured your Apache HTTPD or Lighttpd accordingly (document root to RepRapCloud/).
Add in /etc/apache2/ports.conf:
NameVirtualHost *:4468 Listen 80 Listen 4468
and create /etc/apache2/sites-available/rrcloud
<VirtualHost *:4468> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost DocumentRoot /path/to/RepRapCloud <Directory /> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI DirectoryIndex index.cgi </Directory> </VirtualHosts>
and "activate" it:
% cd /etc/apache2/sites-enabled; ln -s ../sites-available/rrcloud
and make sure /etc/apacha2/mod-enabled/cgi.load exists.
Add to your /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf something like this:$SERVER["socket"] == ":4468" { server.document-root = "/path/to/RepRapCloud/" server.reject-expect-100-with-417 = "disable" index-file.names = ( "index.cgi" ) cgi.assign = ( ".cgi" => "/usr/bin/perl" ) }The server.reject-expect-100-with-417 = "disable" are required for curl-based upload to work.
Depending of the program (HTTP_USER_AGENT) rrcloud (respectively index.cgi) formats the output accordingly, e.g. a web-browser gets a nice formatted list (http://server.local:4468/),
whereas wget/curl or so gets a simple text list:
client: cmd: cp tasks/in/1361787153-873811.txt tasks/out/1361787153-093541 ctime: 1361787153.89647 id: 1361787153-093541 in: tasks/in/1361787152-863093.txt out: tasks/out/1361787153-093541 pid: 32744 server: server.local service: echo status: busy client: cmd: openscad tasks/in/1361787155-296870.scad -otasks/out/1361787155-774973.stl ctime: 1361787155.83115 etime: 1361787155.89783 id: 1361787155-774973 in: tasks/in/1361787154-479659.scad out: tasks/out/1361787155-774973.stl pid: 32749 server: server.local service: openscad status: complete ...
You can also force that it returns JSON, e.g.
- http://server.local/?service=info&format=json list all tasks (complete, failed or busy)
- http://server.local/?service=info&id=taskid&format=json to list info about a particular task (taskid).
{ args: "--load=tests/slic3r.conf tmp/cube.stl --output=tmp/cube.gcode", client: "", cmd: "slic3r --load=tasks/in/1361787183-742842.conf tasks/in/1361787183-933412.stl --output=tasks/out/1361787183-011772.gcode", ctime: "1361787183.93071", etime: "1361787185.69113", id: "1361787183-011772", in: "tasks/in/1361787181-093430.conf,tasks/in/1361787181-792570.stl", out: "tasks/out/1361787183-011772.gcode", pid: "1062", server: "server.local", service: "slic3r", status: "complete", }
which you can process with JQuery (see next chapter).
Since the main transportation layer is HTTP, you can use existing load-balancing software to distribute the tasks within one single IP.
The API is in its current form very simple:
HTTP POST with following variables:
service: service fileInn: fileupload
and optionally:
notifier: url
whereas service: { openscad, openjscad, slic3r, printrun } etc (see later in this description how to query available services), and n: 0,1,2,3,... and the in case of the notifier, you can formulate the url as you wish, with two replacing variables:
$id -> task-id $myip -> ip of client
% curl -F service=openscad -F fileIn0=@test.scad http://service.local:4468/ % curl -F service=openscad -F 'notifier=http://$myip/done?$id' -F fileIn0=@test.scad http://service.local:4468/
$.post("http://server.local:4468/", { service: 'openscad', fileIn0: '...', format: 'json' }).done(function(data) { var task = $.parseJSON(data); }); $.post("http://server.local:4468/", // issue a task and respond back to when done { service: 'openscad', fileIn0: '...', notifier: 'http://$myip/done?$id', format: 'json' }).done(function(data) { var task = $.parseJSON(data); });
fileIn0..n can be an actual file-upload, or the content itself (e.g. a string containing .stl or .gcode direct).
HTTP Response (text/plain) will be the same response as "Task Info" (explained as next):
HTTP GET with following variables:
service: info id: id // (omit 'id:' and you get info on all tasks)
% curl http://server.local:4468/?service=info&id=1361787155-774973
HTTP Response (text/plain):
client: ip (your remote IP) cmd: ... (actual command run on server) ctime: time (creation time of task on server) etime: time (end time of task on server) id: id (id of task) in: filelist (comma separated list of filenames) out: filename (single filename of results) notifier: url (in case notifier is set, it's listed as such) pid: pid (process id on server) server: ip (server IP or hostname) service: service (requested service) status: status (status: 'busy', 'failed', or 'complete')
client: cmd: openscad tasks/in/1361787155-296870.scad -otasks/out/1361787155-774973.stl ctime: 1361787155.83115 etime: 1361787155.89783 id: 1361787155-774973 in: tasks/in/1361787154-479659.scad out: tasks/out/1361787155-774973.stl pid: 32749 server: server.local service: openscad status: complete
{ client: "", cmd: "openscad tasks/in/1361787155-296870.scad -otasks/out/1361787155-774973.stl", ctime: "1361787155.83115", etime: "1361787155.89783", id: "1361787155-774973", in: "tasks/in/1361787154-479659.scad", out: "tasks/out/1361787155-774973.stl", pid: "32749", server: "server.local", service: "openscad", status: "complete" }
// request info on task $.get("http://server.local:4468/", { service: 'info', id: '1361787155-774973', format: 'json' }).done(function(data) { var task = $.parseJSON(data); task.status; // 'busy', 'failed', or 'complete' task.out; // contains path of the result (if task.status=='complete') // -- your code to process results }); // get all tasks $.get("http://server.local:4468/", { service: 'info', format: 'json' }).done(function(data) { var tasks = $.parseJSON(data); for(var i=0; i<tasks.length; i++) { tasks[i].status; // 'busy', 'failed', or 'complete' tasks[i].out; // contains path of the result (if tasks[i].status=='complete') // -- your code to process results } });
HTTP GET with following variables:
service: meta
and provides results like:
cpuLoad: 1.91 // current cpu load maxDataRetention: 24 // max data retention [hrs] serverName: brahma services: echo,openjscad,openscad,povray,printrun,slic3r tasks: 12 // currently 12 tasks in pool timeout: 1800 // timeout [s] uptime: 0d 06h 00m 52s // uptime of server version: RepRapCloud 0.017 // version of software
and if format=json is set, it is given in JSON format; see this example where AJAX technology is used to fetch the information.
Based on the service: info retrieved out you can request the data direct:
GET http://server.local:4468/out
GET http://server.local:4468/tasks/out/1361787155-774973.stl
Based on the id you also can retrieve the log of the task:
GET http://server.local:4468/tasks/log/id
GET http://server.local:4468/tasks/log/1361787155-774973
Note: the procedure of retrieval of the results and log of a task likely is to change soon.
The services/*.conf define the services available on a server. Let us look at the slic3r.conf more closely:
path = /usr/bin:/usr/local/bin # -- where to find slic3r executable cmd = slic3r # -- the actual exectuable argInput = --load=$fileIn # -- possible additional input fileOut = $id.gcode # -- how does the output file look like output = --output=$fileOut # -- actual argument composition for output
Now, the moment we issue a task, we have to set:
- fileInn: the actual file-upload via POST
- preargn: references 'fileInn' direct
for example for a task:
fileIn0: slic3r.conf prearg0: --load= fileIn1: test.stl
which gives then:
cmd prearg0+fileIn0 fileIn1 [output]
slic3r --load=tasks/in/1361787183-742842.conf tasks/in/1361787183-933412.stl --output=tasks/out/1361787183-011772.gcode cmd prearg0+fileIn0 fileIn1 output
Note: If a preargn is set which doesn't fit the service.conf:argInput field it will be ignored (e.g. one could set 'prearg0=; do-something-not-approved' and hack the server).
Hint: This configuration and composition procedure is preliminary and might change later.
- Netrap, distributed printing over several hosts
- BotQueue V2, distributed slicing & printing over several hosts
- OctoPrint, distributed printing from one host
- SlicerHub, distributed slicing
That's all for now,
Rene K. Mueller
initial 2013/02/24, updated 2013/03/02