
Enumerate ESP8266 and ESP32 according their MAC address and chip id

Primary LanguagePerl

ESP Enumerator

Enumerates multiple ESP8266 and ESP32 according their MAC address and chip id (derived from MAC), e.g. /dev/esp/ so you can address them easily, and no longer with the ever changing /dev/ttyUSBx.


Install nodemcu-tool & esptool.py

% sudo npm install nodemcu-tool -g
% sudo -H pip install esptool

Make sure you (username) is part of the dialout group:

% sudo usermod -a -G dialout "your-username"

If you are added newly, preferably reboot the machine.


% make install


Once after the boot of your machine:

% sudo esp-enum
esp-enum: INFO: /dev/esp created, please re-run script `esp-enum` again as normal user

and then as normal user:

% esp-enum
esp-enum: probing all ESP devices (it will reset/reboot each)
esp-enum:    /dev/ttyUSB0: /dev/esp/xx:xx:xx:4d:98:d0 and /dev/esp/0x4d98d0
esp-enum:    /dev/ttyUSB1: /dev/esp/xx:xx:xx:9f:77:72 and /dev/esp/0x9f7772
esp-enum:    /dev/ttyUSB2: /dev/esp/xx:xx:xx:9f:7c:f3 and /dev/esp/0x9f7cf3
esp-enum:    /dev/ttyUSB3: /dev/esp/xx:xx:xx:9f:77:23 and /dev/esp/0x9f7723
esp-enum:    /dev/ttyUSB4: /dev/esp/xx:xx:xx:4e:3c:e0 and /dev/esp/0x4e3ce0
esp-enum:    /dev/ttyUSB5: /dev/esp/xx:xx:xx:4c:cf:68 and /dev/esp/0x4ccf68
esp-enum:    /dev/ttyUSB6: /dev/esp/xx:xx:xx:4d:31:fc and /dev/esp/0x4d31fc
esp-enum:    /dev/ttyUSB7: /dev/esp/xx:xx:xx:9f:77:a6 and /dev/esp/0x9f77a6
esp-enum:    /dev/ttyUSB8: /dev/esp/xx:xx:xx:9f:70:82 and /dev/esp/0x9f7082
esp-enum:    /dev/ttyUSB9: /dev/esp/xx:xx:xx:9f:70:20 and /dev/esp/0x9f7020
esp-enum: done.

then you can connect your devices like with NodeMCU firmware:

% nodemcu-tool --port /dev/esp/0x9f7082 terminal
% nodemcu-tool --port /dev/esp/0x9f7082 upload --keeppath shell/main.lua

or with Mongoose OS firmware:

% mos --port /dev/esp/0x4d98d0 console
% mos --port /dev/esp/0x4d98d0 put fs/init.js


  • esp-enum deletes all links in /dev/esp/* before (re-)creating new links
  • esp-enum resets/reboots each devices as a side-effect of probing the MAC address

Whenever you disconnect or connect an ESP8266 or ESP32, rerun esp-enum.

Real World Usage

Photo: 8x USB Hub with 4x ESP8266 Wemos D1 Mini and 3x ESP32 LOLIN32 Lite

I personally label each device physically with the last 6 digits of the MAC address (e.g. 4f:31:fc), so I can distinct them, so I access them like

% nodemcu-tool --port /dev/esp/0x4f31fc terminal