MTG scraper

This repo extracts data about Magic The Gathering collectible card game. The initial script extracts data from 2 different websites so that it can scrape all the info that is necessary for using a card in a deck,its image and its current price. The main idea is to have a database with the price of each card which I will then use to create playable decks for personal or commercial use.


There are 5 scripts in this repo.

  1. contains the classes used to scrape the info of every card.
  2. scrapes the info from every card in the sets chosen (all or part).
  3. scrapes the prices of every card in the game.
  4. combines info and prices.
  5. cleans the data and saves everything in a .csv file in the repo there are also the chromedriver.exe that is used to run those files. The libraries needed are:
  • selenium
  • math
  • time
  • pandas

How to use it

The steps are quite straightforward:


Once you run for all the sets and you get all the cards, then you only need to run 2, 3, 4 regularly (or when needed) to get a recent update on the card values. needs to be run again only when Wizards releases a new set of cards.


There are quite a lot of things I want to add to make it more complete.

  1. I plan to extract the collector's number for every card, the flavour text and the artist so that I can have all the info that is on every card. (Done)
  2. I want to gather info that is available online on different decks to check the "popularity" of every card and its correlation with its price.
  3. I also want to add a function that, once I download the first database, it will allow the scraper to check only for new sets and not run through all of them again. #
  4. I also want to "decentralise" the card info extraction and the price extraction so that I can only run an update on the prices. (Done) Ideas, suggestions, feedback are always welcome.