--  $Id: README 357 2009-01-12 04:13:45Z jcw $
--  $Revision: 357 $
--  $Author: jcw $
--  $Date: 2009-01-11 23:13:45 -0500 (Sun, 11 Jan 2009) $
--  $HeadURL: http://tinymicros.com/svn_public/arm/lpc2148_demo/trunk/README $

  J.C. Wren

  The most recent version of this package may be found at http://jcwren.com/arm

  PayPal donations cheerfully accepted at jcwren@jcwren.com.  No obligation
  what-so-ever, but any amount is appreciated.  Received funds go towards 
  purchasing other evaluation platforms, so I can create other demo code

  I'm changing the format of how updates are documented.  Rather than including
  it in the body of the text, they will be appended to the front, with a date.  

  2009/01/11, version 1.44:

    Improved response of telnet sessions by creating a 'fast poll' queue.  In
    previous versions, when data was posted into the send queue by a non-uIP
    task (i.e., the monitor), it would take up to 1.25 seconds before the queue
    queue would be flushed.  This is because the uIP task would block for up to
    0.25 seconds waiting for received data, and then up to 1 second until the
    periodic timer fires.  This is circumvented by changing the blocking time
    to 0.10 seconds, and checking the fast poll queue that a task can post a
    connection ID to.  What happens in more detail is that when a character is
    send to the telnetd queue, if the queue is full, it posts the connection
    ID of the telnet session to the fast poll queue, which causes the uIP task
    to poll the connection for data to send, and then reposts the character
    to the telnetd queue with a wait time so that the lower priority uIP
    task gets a chance to run.

    Fixed minor problem in conditional compilation if CFG_SNTP was defined but
    CFG_RTC was not.

    lpc214x.h file had incorrect defines for the ADC1 (AD1_*) registers.

    Added 'pwm width' command to CLI.  This allows specifying the width of the
    PWM pulse in microseconds.  If a R/C servo control line is connected to the
    PWM5 output and the PWM frequency set to 50Hz ('pwm freq 20000'), the servo
    position can be centered with 'pwm width 1500'.  'pwm width 1100' will move
    the servo in one directory, while 'pwm width 1900' will move the servo to
    the other direction.  Note that different R/Cs have different travel
    limits, and moving beyond that limit will cause the servo to stall.  If the
    servo remains stalled, it can burn up.  Monitor the current with an amp
    meter to determine what the limits of the servo are.

    Added 'pwm width' command to allow setting the width of the PWM pulse in
    microseconds.  This allows for much finer resolution when controlling servo
    motors.  A Hitec Servo HS-311 can be controlled with by connecting the
    power lead to 4.8V to 6V supply, and the control lead to the PWM5 output on
    the P2148 board.  The ground of the power supply for the servo should also
    be connected to the ground of the P2148 board.  Set the PWM frequency to 50
    milliseconds ('pwm freq 20', for 20hz), and the width to 1500 microseconds
    ('pwm width 1500') before connecting the servo.  For the HS-311, the
    position can be varied from about 90 degrees CCW ('pwm width 600') to 90
    degrees CW of center ('pwm width 210').  Avoid stalling the motor with
    values outside these ranges, they will be damaged.

    Fixed problem with open() with O_APPEND is specified.  The _open call in
    newlib/syscalls.c was not positioning to the end of the opened file (I
    think I believed that open() itself handled that).  Thanks to Marshall
    Crocker for catching that one.

    Marshall also caught another error in _open() where if a file did not
    exist, all subsequent open()'s would fail.  This occured because the
    openfiles slot was being reused on the next open, and the pointer to the
    fatfsFCB buffer was not null (part of a internal consistency check).

    Added 'file concat' command to verify that O_APPEND works as expected.
    'file concat fn_1 fn_2' will concatentate the contents of fn_1 to fn_2,
    creating fn_2 if necessary, or positioning to the end of it if it already
    exists, then appending the contents of fn_1 to it.

    Added CFG_RAM_INTS to enable (default) placing interrupt vectors in RAM.
    Note that if this is not defined and CFG_FIQ is, the FIQ code will still
    run, but it will be slightly slower since it will be running from flash.

  2008/11/09, version 1.43:

    Attempted WinARM happiness.  Working code can be compiled with the WinARM
    20060606 build.  Please see the README.WinARM file in the .zip or .tgz 

  2008/11/09, version 1.42:

    Added support for the Microchip 25LC512 64Kx8 SPI EEPROM.  As a result, the
    'ee' commands were changed to 'eei' (for EEPROM I2C), and the SPI EEPROM
    commads are 'ees'.  Note that the SPI EEPROM and the ENC28J60 cannot be
    active at the same time because the chip select is shared (SSEL0).  There
    is a check for if the uIP task is running, the 'ees' commands will generate
    an error, but the 25LC512 will respond when uIP talks to the ENC28J60, so
    you'll want to remove the 25LC512 when you start uIP (short form: the
    25LC512 can be used while the ENC28J60 is present, but the ENC28J60 can't
    be used while the 25LC512 is present).

    Every function (except 'version' and 'help') are removable through the
    CFG_xxx defines in the top-level Makefile.  By default, all options except
    the USB mass storage option are enabled (USB MSC is off by default because
    it is incompatible with the USB console, which is enabled). 

    It is interesting to note that with EVERYTHING turned off and -Os (optimize
    for size), the code gets down to 37K.  I prefer to use -O3 (optimize for
    speed) as speed is more important than code size in a 512K part (at this
    point).  With -O3 and everything turned on, the code is 224K.
    Unfortunately, the stdio file functions pull in a lot of code, including
    malloc().  There's just no way to get rid of this.  Using CFG_INTONLY will
    remap the printf and friends to iprintf, which results in a good savings
    (CFG_GPS disables this, as the latitude and logitude are floats).  Be sure
    to see sysdefs.h for how things get included/excluded (it's nasty).

    I2C EEPROM write routine now checks if the requested address plus number of
    bytes would cross a page boundary, and throws an error if it does.  I.e.,
    the AT24C1024 has a 256 byte page size, so a write request of 'eei wa 0xfe
    1 2 3' would generate an error.

    The USB serial code now sort of honors the virtual DTR/RTS state.  When the
    board is reset and the initial USB enumeration done, the virtual DTR/RTS
    lines are not asserted.  When a terminal program (such as HyperDoodoo)
    starts, the virtual control lines are asserted, and characters will be sent
    to the USB virtual UART.  HOWEVER, stupid Windows/HyperDoodoo doesn't
    de-assert virtual DTR on a disconnect, so the code has no way of knowing
    that no one is listening to it.  This creates the problem of a telnet
    session hanging because output is also being sent to the virtual UART.
    Since nothing is listening to the far end of the virtual UART, the buffers
    fill, and the task blocks.  Currently, the only option is to enable
    CFG_AUTO_UIP (not enabled by default) to start uIP automatically, thus not
    requiring a USB connection to be established.

    In addition to CFG_AUTO_UIP, setting CFG_AUTO_DHCP will cause uIP to try to
    get it's IP address from a DHCP server.  And if CFG_AUTO_SNTP and CFG_RTC
    are enabled, and the DHCP server returns a SNTP server, the time will be
    set automagically also.

  2008/11/05, version 1.41:

    Updated FreeRTOS to v5.1.0.

    Updated Makefile.winarm as best I can without WinARM installed.  I took a
    shot at installing it, but didn't succeed.  I have no idea which version
    people are trying to use.  What appears to be the most common version is
    over 2 1/2 years old now.

    Added some keypad demo code.  If you have a Pactec membrane keyboard, it
    will plug right on to the Olimex LPC-P2148 P1.16 connector.  It can easily
    be adapter for other matrix type keyboards, up to 4x4.   Please see the
    README in the kbd directory.  Note that the keyboard and LCD tasks cannot
    run at the same time, therefore when one is started, the other is stopped
    (this is handled in the monitor/monitor.c file).  

    Slightly modified how tasks (such as LEDs, GPS, and keyboard) are started
    and stopped, by moving the checking and vTaskDelete call into the relevant
    file (and out of monitor/monitor.c)

  2008/11/03, version 1.40:

    Renamed the lpc210x.h file to lpc214x.h, since it's fairly LPC214x

    Added uIP TCP/IP stack.  Requires a Microchip ENC28J60 connected to the
    SPI0 port.  Interrupt is on EINT3 (pin 34).  This requires that the
    RS1/UEXT jumper be placed in the UEXT position, and also means that UART1
    cannot be used (for the demo code, this is normally setup for the GPS).
    See the included 'docs/inj28j60.png' and 'docs/enc28j60.png' files.  The
    in28J60 module was obtained from The Microcontroller Shop
    (http://microcontrollershop.com) for about $30 USD.  See the 'uip/README'
    file for details.  
    uIP is started with 'uip start'.  By default, DHCP is enabled.  This can be
    disabled with 'uip dhcp off', and setting a static IP address set with 'uip
    ip'.  The gateway can be set with 'uip gw', and
    the netmask set with 'uip nm'.  'uip ip', 'uip gw' and 'uip
    nm' with no arguments prints the current values.  Note the default static
    IP address is, as is the gateway and netmask.  You need to reset
    these after each reset of the board (there is no provision for storing
    these in FLASH or uninitialized RAM, yet).  There is a reasonable about
    of checking on the IP address syntax, but all possible errors may not be
    The MAC address can be set with 'uip mac 00:01:02:03:04:05', where each
    digit pair is a hex value.  If not overridden, the default MAC address of
    00:bd:3b:33:05:71 is used.   This sets the MAC address in both the ENC28J60
    and the uIP stack. 'uip mac' with no parameter prints the current MAC

    'uip start' starts the uIP stack, web server and telnet server.  I
    considered having the webserver serve files from the CF card, but decided
    against that the extra step of having a correctly formatted CF card was not

    uIP can be enabled or disabled in the top-level Makefile via the CFG_UIP
    option.  The telnet and httpd servers, along with DHCP, can also be
    selectively enabled or disabled in the Makefile with the CFG_TELNETD,
    CFG_HTTPD and CFG_DHCP options.  

    'uip sntp <ip address>' will make 10 requests 10 seconds apart to a SNTP
    server.  If the time is returned, the RTC will automatically be set (time
    is UTC).  This does not currently implement the two-step process to
    compensate for network delays.  Using a nearby time server is recommended.
    If time server is returned has been returned in the DHCP request, time may
    be set with 'uip sntp set'.  Time offset will be applied if set via 'uip
    to' or if returned in the DHCP request.

    Note that the telnet server runs in parallel with the serial or USB
    console, so any input or output on one will be seen on the other.  KNOWN
    BUG: If the USB console does not have a session open, the telnet session
    will hang.  The USB code needs some way to check if the pipe is not open,
    and skip the write if is not.  I haven't figured out how to do this yet :)

    Added a few more #defines for the SPI modules to the lpc214x.h file, along
    with additional GPIO bit combinations.

    The mmc/spi.c file has been renamed to mmc/ssp.c.  The mmc/spi.h file has
    been renamed to mmc/ssp.h.  All functions that previously started with
    'spi' have been renamed to 'ssp'.

    Pins that drive the LEDs are now configured in leds/leds.c in ledInit(),
    rather than in cpu/cpu.c.

    UART pins are now assigned in uart/uart.c initialization code rather than
    in cpu/cpu.c.  
    The UART code has been factored out into completely separate files, to make
    it easier to delete support for a UART when not needed.  Previously, all
    the UART code was in uart/uart.c and uart/uartISR.c, and a switch()
    statement was used to specify which UART was to be operated on.  They have
    now been broken into separate files, and named accordingly.

    The external interrupts (EINT) code has been factored out into completely
    separate files.  Here again, that should make deleting unwanted code for
    other projects easier.  Also added EINT1 (unused for anything, could be
    used to have the BSL switch generate an interrupt), and EINT3 (for
    uIP/ENC28J60 support).

    Add *.c, *.h, *.s and Makefiles have subversion tags

    Added various GCC warning suppressions in the uip Makefiles to keep GCC
    from complaining about difference in signedness, type-punned pointers,
    casting alignment, etc.  This is not the way to fix the problem.  uIP
    should be fixed directly, but I was generally trying to avoid altering the
    original source as much as possible.

    Pin assignment in peripherals modules rearranged to enable peripheral after
    pin assignment.  Although not clear what chapter 7.3 means by "peripherals
    should be connected to the appropriate pins prior to being activated", I
    take that to mean prior to being enabled in the SCB_PCONP register.

    Pin assignments now correctly mask bits beforing OR'ing in pin function
    (this didn't un-break anything, but it's the more correct method.  See
    eints/eints0.c as an example).

    LED, GPS and sensors task can now be selectively stopped and restarted.

    LCD support is now conditionally defined in the top-level Makefile (it is
    enabled by default)

    Rewrote GPS parser to get rid of scanf(), saved 22K of code space, and
    reduced the stack requirements for the GPS task from 2K to 512 bytes.

  2008/10/04, version 1.30:

    Updated FreeRTOS to version 5.0.4

    The I/O ports are now configured and used in fast I/O port mode, rather
    than legacy slow-poke mode.  Most people in the real world have no need of
    the slower legacy mode.

    Added 'misc ports' command to display the _PIN, _DIR and _MASK registers of
    port 0 and 1.

    Added LCD example.  There are two files in the lcd directory, lcd_4bit.c
    and lcd_8bit.c.  The lcd_4bit is suitable for the Olimex LPC-P2148 board
    (which this demo code is targeted for).  The lcd_8bit.c file is targeted
    for an LCD that has a full 8-bit interface.  The 8-bit code was extracted
    from a previous project and is untested, but SHOULD either work as-is
    (adjusting for the port pin assignments, of course), or be very close.  The
    LCD is handled in it's own task, started and stopped with 'lcd start' and
    'lcd stop'.  This shows dynamic task creation and destruction, and means
    the LCD task won't automatically start for users without LCDs connected.
    Use 'lcd msg "<msg>"' to display a message, 'lcd clear' to clear screen,
    and 'lcd gotoxy <0..1> <0..19>' to position the cursor for writing.

    Added PWM example.  Unfortunately, this will require an oscilloscope or
    logic analyzer to be able to see the results of it.  At reset, PWM5 is set
    up for a 20Khz period, and a duty cycle of 50%.  The frequency can be
    varied with the 'pwm freq' command (between 1 and 48000000Hz), and the duty
    cycle can be varied with the 'pwm duty' command (between 0 and 100%).  This
    code was extracted from another project that used it to control a bias
    circuit for LCD contrast.

    Added an example of using the timer 1 match registers.  In a previous
    release, I had made the statement that how Olimex drove the speaker was
    flawed.  Thanks to some code contributed by Dave Madden, it turns out that
    using timer 1 and the match registers, tones between 60 and 20,000 Hertz
    can be fairly easily generated.  Either Olimex saw this early on, or they
    just got lucky ('beep off', 'beep on <60..20000>').

    Using the previous code as the base, the demo code now plays 'Mary Had A
    Little Lamb' on the squeaker ('beep mhall'), and a really lousy version of
    'Smoke On The Water' ('beep smotw').  I don't read guitar tablature, and I
    had a heck of time trying to find the notes and duration for the opening

    Interrupt vectors are now in RAM by default.  When the system starts, they
    are initially in flash.  The FIQ interrupt (which does nothing but count
    FIQ events) gets copied to RAM, as do the interrupt vectors.  This allows
    the FIQ to run as fast as possible.  Note that if 'fiq on' is running, and
    the beep commands are used, the FIQ interrupt counter will stop running, as
    the beep code also uses timer 1.

    All the file related command have been moved to the 'file' submenu in the
    monitor.  This makes the top level commands cleaner and more topical to the
    section they serve.   Use 'file init' if you change the card without
    rebooting the system.  Remember to use 'file mount' to mount a MMC/SD card
    that's installed at boot or after 'file init'.

    Added a prompt to indicate the system is ready for commands ("Demo>").  
    Thanks to Dave Madden (again) for that code fragment.

    Improved USB performance, thanks to code from Jan Topolski.  This fixes the
    issue where the system performs very poorly under Windows when connected
    via USB.  Windows apparently is sending a constant stream of NAKs, with
    each NAK generating an interrupt.  The effect of this could be seen when
    running the MMC/SD card performance tests.  When connected to a Windows
    box, the performance was about 10% of that when connected to a Linux box.  
    Jan also optimized the code that checks for the USB interrupt source.  In
    the original code, all 32 possible interrupts were checked each time in a
    loop.  The modified code aborts the loop early when it sees that all
    interrupts have been handled.

    The MMC/SD code should be more tolerant of various cards at the SPI level.
    David Johnson contributed an improved SPI I/O routine and reports that
    Sandisk cards now work for him.  Note that only cards which have 512 byte
    sectors are supported.  

    The MMC/SD code now checks the card present (P1.25) and write protect
    (P1.24) switches on the MMC/SD card socket.  File operations will fail if
    the card is not present, or an attempt to write to a protected card is

    The MMC and SPI drivers have been factored out of the FatFS code so they
    can be shared with the USB mass storage code (usbmass).  This should also
    make it easier to port to other LPC2xxx family parts, such as the LPC2468,
    which has an improved MMC/SD interface.

    The lpc210x.h header file has been updated with addition definitions,
    primarily in the fast GPIO and the PWM modules.

    Removed some unused files from the I2C code.  Those files should have been
    deleted prior to the final release package.

    Added -Wno-strict-aliasing to the FreeRTOS/Makefile to eliminate some
    warnings.  Also added -Wno-cast-align to FreeRTOS/Makefile and
    usbmass/Makefile to eliminate some casting warnings.

    The usbmass storage driver seems to work, although it is abysmally slow.
    It's very inadvisable to use the 'file' commands while the MMC/SD card is
    mounted under Windows (and probably Linux), due to common buffers.  The
    driver is enabled in top-level Makefile, with the -D CFG_USB_MSC option.

    Please note that the terminal window of Flash Magic is squirrely.  I
    thought there was a bug when copying large files to the console ('file cp
    <some file on MMC/SD card>'), and this sent me on a short wild goose chase.
    Garbage was being emitted after roughly 16K bytes.  Turns out that the
    Flash Magic terminal window is just plain slow, and it's getting stupid
    when it can no longer keep up.  Also, 'file cpcon <filename>' expects
    control-D to stop copying the file, and the terminal window does not pass
    control characters.  ProComm (and others, but never, ever, EVER HyperTerm)
    is a much better choice for straight serial work.

  2007/07/22, version 1.20:

    Added interrupt driven I2C master transmit and receive code.  I'm pretty
    confident that all the cases are handled correctly, but I don't have any
    way to introduce certain errors for testing.  There are now two files in
    the ./i2c directory, "i2cInt.c" and "i2cPolled.c".  Edit the ./i2c/Makefile
    to select interrupt drive or polled I2C handling.  There is some support
    for debugging I2C the interrupt drive routines.  As interrupts occur, the
    various state changes are recorded, and the 'i2c dump' command will display
    them.  This is disabled by default, but can be enabled by editing the
    ./i2c/i2cInt.c file and defining I2C_DEBUG.

    Added raw I2C support.  The 'i2c' commands allow directly reading and
    writing an I2C device (as opposed to using the LM75 wrapper for LM75's, or
    the EEPROM wrapper for EEPROMs).  See 'i2c help' for a list of commands.
    Note that when reading from an I2C device via the raw commands, a maximum
    of 16 bytes may be read or written.  If you need more, change the buffer
    sizes in the appropriate commands in ./monitor/monitor.c, and also the
    maximum number of arguments in the command dispatch table (commandListI2C).

    Added EEPROM support.  The 'ee' subset of commands allow reading and
    writing of a 24Cxxx series type EEPROM.  The code is currently targeted at
    an Atmel 24C1024 128Kx8 part (I had some laying around).  It should be
    pretty easy to rework them for any smaller part.  See 'ee help' for a list
    of supported commands.

    Fixed the LM75 support to allow writing the config, TOS and THYST
    registers.  The previous versions allowed reading the registers, but I
    forgot to write code to allow changing them.  Oops.

    Moved 'date' and 'setdate' commands into the 'rtc' sub-menu as 'get' and
    'set', respectively.  Added 'alarm' command that allows setting an alarm
    date/time, or disabling it.  When an alarm fires, 'ALARM -- YYYY/MM/DD
    HH:MM:SS' is printed to the console.  Also added 'periodic', which when
    enabled, prints 'PERIODIC -- YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS' to the console at the top
    of every minute.  The RTC also demonstrates using the default vector
    address functionality of the non-vectored IRQs in the VIC (alternatively,
    by un-defining RTC_NONVECTOREDIRQ in the ./rtc/rtc.h file, a regular
    vectored IRQ can be used).

    Note on the RTC alarm and periodic output: It's really gross.  Console
    input is handled by a libc read() call.  This is a blocking call,
    implemented by doing a FreeRTOS xQueueReceive in the console device code
    (UART 0, UART 1, or USB).  So the only way to get the read() to return so
    the CCI can output the message is to reserve the special characters 0xfe
    and 0xff (something a user can usually never type).  When the CCI getline
    routine sees either of those characters, it immediately returns.  These
    characters are then checked for by the CCI command parser, and either an
    alarm or periodic message output.  If the user is in the process of typing
    in a command, the input will be lost.  Without totally rewriting the CCI
    into a queue based message passing architecture, I couldn't find a more
    elegant way to handle this.  So basically, the RTC interrupt sends a 0xfe
    or 0xff into the input buffer for the console device, which then returns
    the character, which is then processed by the CCI code.

    Changed the 'task' command to a 'mem' sub-command.  Added the 'map'
    command, which shows how memory is allocated.  Overview: The .txt section
    contains the program code, the initialization values for static data in RAM
    (statements like 'static int i = 172;'), and the glue section (I believe
    this is where ARM/THUMB inter-networking code is placed).  The .data section 
    is the area of RAM that gets initialized from the constants in FLASH at 
    startup (so that i == 172).  The .bss section is all static data that is 
    zero length (statements like 'static int foo [12]').  The 'map' command 
    prints out the starting and ending address of each area (size calulation is 
    left to the user).  Also included is the starting and ending addresses for 
    the various stacks (undefined, abort, FIQ, IRQ, service), the start of heap,
    and the current heap end.  The scheduler executes in supervisor mode, tasks 
    execute in system mode.

    Added FIQ demo.  Timer 1 is set up to interrupt at 8hz (8 times a second,
    or every 125 milliseconds), and is configured as a fast interrupt.  The
    interrupt handler does nothing more than increment a counter.  The 'fiq on'
    command will enable the timer, 'fiq off' will disable it, 'fiq count' will
    print the counter value, and 'fiq clear' will reset the counter to 0.  As
    long as the FIQ is enabled, it should be merrily counting along.  NOTE: the
    actual FIQ vector is in ./boot.s.  Also in this file is the FIQ stack size.
    I've set it to 32 bytes (8 words).  This was derived empirically by
    examining the lpc2148.lst file, and seeing how many registers were pushed
    by the fiqISR code.  Only 3 registers are pushed, so 8 words was deemed
    enough space.  An interrupt that actually does anything substantial will
    require more stack space, and the FIQ_STACK_SIZE should be adjusted
    accordingly.  The FIQ in the CPSR is enabled by FreeRTOS when it starts the
    scheduler, just like the IRQ.

    The stacks have been tuned down pretty small to allow a larger heap area.
    Many boot.s files allocate 1K for the supervisor stack, and another 1K for
    the IRQ stack.  I've tried to exercise all the functions in the demo to get
    a feel for stack usage, and both of those stacks have been tuned down to
    256 bytes each.  There shouldn't be any issue with using a lot of stack in
    any code prior to the call to vTaskStartScheduler(), since the supervisor
    stack will overflow into system/user stack space.  Once tasks are running,
    they have their own private stack spaces inside the FreeRTOS allocated
    memory.  If the interrupt routines are modified to use more dynamic space,
    then the interrupt stack may need to be increased.  So far, I've seen less
    than 50% utilization.  The FIQ stack is very small, as it does nothing more
    than increment a counter.  More complex FIQ routines will need more space.

    Fixed problem with CCI 'mv' command failing.  Default compiliation options
    for newlib for ARM don't define HAVE_RENAME, so the newlib rename() was
    trying to do the link/unlink method of rename a file.  FatFS (and FAT file
    systems) don't support links, so this was always failing, since link()
    returns -1.  Provided our own rename() in newlib/syscalls.c to override the
    newlib rename().

    Added a data abort, prefetch abort and undefined instruction handler.   The
    abort handler works by saving the state of the CPU to a block of memory,
    then enabling the watchdog to force a reset.  This method was used instead
    of printing directly to the serial port, as some people are using the USB
    as the console port, and there's no gaurantee that the system is still
    stable enough for USB to work.  So instead, the state is saved, the reset
    is forced, and the user can then use the 'abort' set of commands to examine
    the system state.  The 'regs' command will display the registers at the
    time of the abort, and print the opcode of the instruction that failed
    (except for prefetch abort).  The 'clear' command sets the memory used by
    the abort handler to 0's.  The 'dirty' command sets the sigil used to
    indicate if the abort memory contains valid data.  'dabort', 'pabort' and
    'undef' force each of the types of aborts.  To try it, start the system,
    type 'abort clear', then 'abort regs'.  All registers should be 0.  Now
    type 'abort dabort'.  This forces an access to location 0x40008000, which
    does not exist.  After the LPC2148 has reset, type 'abort regs'.  Examine
    the PC value, open the lpc2148.lst file in an editor, and search for that
    address.  You should find that the abort occurred in the monitorAbortDabort
    code, at the 'ldrb' instruction.  Note that if the PC is showing somewhere
    in the boot.s code area, it's likely a double abort is occuring.  Most
    likely the stack pointer was already corrupted at the time of the abort,
    and when the stack is being copied, it's reading from memory that will
    cause a data abort.  After an abort, you'll want to do a 'wdt clear' to
    clear the WDMOD.WDTOF flag, otherwise you'll be unable to re-enter ISP mode
    without a power cycle.

    Added 'misc' menu, which right now consists of the 'sizeof' command.  This
    displays the size of the common C data types (just in case you weren't sure
    a void * is 4 byes).  I'll add others here later, like when FreeRTOS starts 
    exposing structure sizes in a future release.

    Updated FreeRTOS to version 4.4.0

    CURRENTLY BROKE, WAITING FOR JTAG DONGLE (feel free to submit a fix).
    Added USB mass storage capability.  If CFG_USB_MSC is defined in the
    Makefile, USB serial support will be disabled, and mass storage enabled.
    This allows the MMC/SD card to be mounted like a disk drive.  DANGER!  The
    CCI commands for file management remain enabled.  This means you can create
    a file on the Windows (or Linux) mounted device, and see the changes from
    the CCI.  HOWEVER: The SPI routines that read/write the MMC/SD card are not
    thread-safe, so a USB request to read/write the disk can interrupt a CCI
    command.  It's crazy dangerous to actually use the CCI file commands while
    the MMC/SD card is mounted under Windows or Linux.  What you can do is
    mount the MMC/SD card, copy files to/from it, unmount it, then use the CCI
    commands to see that things really changed.  A later revision of the demo
    package will likely at least protect the SPI I/O from being interrupted
    (although this defeats the 'Real' in RTOS to do so).


  This package demonstrates using LPCUSB and FatFS under FreeRTOS on the Olimex
  LPC2148 board, using GCC and newlib.  Examples include FreeRTOS queues and
  semaphores, LPC2148 analog to digital converters (ADCs), external interrupts,
  the real-time clock (RTC), general purpose IO (GPIO), serial ports (UARTs),
  and USB.   Also included is a newlib syscalls.c that almost completely
  implements all syscalls.c functions.

  The package (as built, .hex file included) presents the USB port as a virtual
  comm port.  The virtualized port is used to talk to the console command
  interpeter (CCI), that allows various functions to be exercised.
  Alternatively, the package can re-compiled to use UART0 as the console port. 

  If a GPS with NMEA output at 4800 baud is connected to UART1, one of the
  tasks will parse the NMEA input stream, and display a position report.  In
  addition, the RTC may be set from the GPS time/date.

  FatFS support is included, and the CCI has several Unix-y commands to
  manipulate files (mkfs, df, ls, mkdir, rmdir, rm, mv, cp, chmod, and sync).
  There is also a command that allows through-put testing on the MMC/SD card. 

  This package exists because I wanted to familiarize myself with the LPC2148,
  FreeRTOS, FatFS and LPCUSB for a personal project, using GCC and newlib (who
  can afford those commercial packages?  Not I).  By slightly modifying the
  resulting framework, I was able to produce a package that others may possibly
  find useful.

Software tools:

  The package compiles using the arm-elf GCC package.  Gentoo users can
  install this by emerging the 'crossdev' package, then 'crossdev -t arm-elf'.
  Once the arm-elf verison of GCC is installed, the package can be rebuilt with

  To program the board, the Philips LPC2000 Flash Utility v2.2.3 Windows tool
  was used.  There are Linux based tools for programming the LPC21xx parts, any
  of which support the LPC2148 should be suitable.  It may be normal, but I
  couldn't get the board to program at speeds other than 19200 and 38400.

  ProComm was used to talk to the console port on UART0, and HyperTerm to talk
  to the console port when using USB (Don't get me started on how crappy
  HyperTerm is.  I *DESPISE* this abortion, and figure that Hilgraeve must have
  pictures of Gates with a goat or something.  We can argue about MS quality
  all day long, but HT has all the "quality" of a 6 year olds first programming
  project in QBASIC.  The only reason it was used was because ProComm can't
  talk to COM18, which is what the virtual serial port appears as).

  If using the USB virtual comm port under Windows, the 'usbser.sys' and
  'usbser.inf' files may be needed.  Often, these files are already on the
  drive somewhere, and Start->Search->Files can be used to located them.  If
  not present, they are included in the ./Windows directory in the package.

  Under Linux, 'minicom' should be able to talk to both the serial port and the
  virtual comm port the USB port appears as.  Bertrik's wiki, located at
  "http://wiki.sikken.nl/index.php?title=LPCUSB", has a note about using LPCUSB
  under Linux.

  The default baud rate for UART0 is 115200.  The baud rate selected for the
  USB virtual comm port is irrelevant, and may be any speed.

Rebuilding it:

  Simply typing 'make' should build the entire package.  The FreeRTOS modules
  will emit several warnings about type punned references, which can (safely?)
  be ignored.  

  If you wish to use UART0 for the console port, edit ./monitor/monitor.c, jump
  to near line 938, and change the "#if 1' to '#if 0', then recompile.

  If you wish to change the baud rates for UART0 or UART1, edit ./main.c, jump
  to near line 62, and change the rates.  Any standard baud rate should produce
  usable results.

  'make clean' will clean the project, removing the ./*.hex, ./*.lst, ./*.map,
  ./*.elf files, and ./common/common.a, along with all *.o and .depend files in
  any sub-directories.

  'make tags' will rebuild the ctags file for 'vi' (and no doubt emacs, if
  you're one of "them").

Hardware (required and optional):

  Olimex LPC-P2148 board (required)
  USB cable (optional)
  Serial cable (optional)
  GPS with NMEA output and serial cable (optional)

Using it (Windows):

  For the purposes of these instructions, it will be assumed that COM1 is the
  serial port on the host PC, a USB cable is connected to the LPC-P2148 board
  and the PC, and that the Philips LPC2000 Flash Utility V2.2.3 will be used
  for programming.  Please note that Windows 2000 was used, and that dialogs
  for Windows XP are probably slightly different.  If you're using Vista, I'm
  surprised it can stay up long enough for you to read this document...

  Connect the RS232_0/ICSP DB-9 on the LPC-P2148 board to the comm port on the
  PC, using a straight-thru serial cable.  Set both the ICSP slide switches
  (located near the RS232_0/ICSP DB-9 connector) to the 'on' position (towards
  the DB-9 connector), then press the reset button (located next to the ICSP

  Configure the Philips utility for COM1, 38400 baud.  Click the 'Read Device
  ID' button.  LPC2148 should appear in the 'Device' text field.  Note that the
  device ID has to be read to set the value, as there's a nasty bug in the
  utility that prevents selecting it from the drop down list.

  Click the "..." button in the 'Flash Programming' block, then locate and
  select the 'lpc2148.hex' file, followed by clicking the 'Upload to Flash'
  button.  At this point, the flash image should start being programmed.

  When it completes, set the two ISCP slide switches to 'off', and press the
  reset button.  The 'LED1' LED should start flashing.  

  If Windows already does not already have the 'usbser.sys' driver installed, a
  dialog will appear regarding the discovery of new hardware.  (I don't
  remember how the dialog goes, so you'll have to infer your way through this
  process).  When prompted for the driver, navigate to the ./Windows directory,
  and select 'usbser.inf'.  This should install the driver for the virtual comm
  port that will support the USB port.

  Right-click on the 'My Computer' icon on the Windows desktop, select
  Properties, then the Hardware tab, followed by 'Device Manager'.  Click the
  '+' on the 'Ports (COM & LPT), and there should be an entry for "USB CDC
  serial port emulation (COMxx)" (where 'xx' will be a number).  Note the COM
  port for use with HyperTerm (see previous rant).
  Start HyperTerm (Start->Programs->Accessories->Communications->HyperTerm)
  (see previous rant).  When the dialog appears, type a name for the connection
  (The COMxx name is a good choice).  Click the drop-down box under 'Connect
  using'.  Select the COMxx port name from the drop-down list.  Click 'OK',
  followed by File->Save.  Now click the third icon from the left, which looks
  like a telephone with the handset on the hook.

  If all went well, typing 'help<return>' should show a list of commands
  supported by the CCI.  If so, congratulations!  You can now play with various
  commands.  If not, there's not much advice that can be offered at this point.

  Baldur Gislason informed me that the Philips Flash Utility has been replaced
  by by Flash Magic (http://www.flashmagictool.com).  I gave this a try, and it
  worked well enough.  It's a nicer interface, but it seems a tad slower.
  Rather than go into detail how to use it, I'll just say that I set the devce
  to LPC2148, interface to 'None (ISP)', the oscillator frequency to 12.00000,
  and checked the 'Erase blocks used by Hex File', and it just worked.

Using it (Linux):

  Eeek!  This needs to be written.

  (Richard T. Stofer says that Debian plays nicely with the LPCUSB code.  with
  the virtualized comm port appearing as ACM0.  'minicom' can talk to this

Hardware thingies:

  The two pushy buttons on the LPC-P2148 board (B1 and B2) enable and disable
  LED2.  Pressing B1 should light LED2, pressing B2 should extinguish it.
  These buttons are connected to the EINT2 and EINT0 lines, respectively.  The
  associated code demonstrates handling an external interrupt, and toggling an
  I/O pin in the interrupt service routine (ISR).

  The potentiometer, AN_TR, is connected to ADC0, channel 3.  The 'sensors'
  task checks the value every 100 milliseconds.  The software divides the pot
  into 4 zones, each covering about 1/4 of the range the pot may be rotated.
  When the pot is fully counter-clockwise, LED1 will be on for 200 milliseconds
  and off for 800.  When the pot is moved to the 2nd zone, the on/off times
  become 400ms/600ms.  The 3rd zone has on/off times of 600ms/400ms, and fully
  clockwise is 800ms on, 200ms off.

  LED1 is controlled by the LED task.  This is a lower priority task.  Each
  time a single on/off cycle has completed, it's message queue is checked to
  see if the blink ratio times should be changed due to the AN_TR pot changing

  LED2 is controlled by the B1 and B2 pushy buttons, as mentioned above.

  The DAC output on the AOUT pin changes every 100 milliseconds by 1/64 of the
  range of the DAC (0.0515625 volts).  The generates a sine wave with a period
  of 12.8 seconds, or 0.078125 Hertz.  Hang a 'scope or DVM on the AOUT pin to
  see the change.

  The I2C routines are setup to talk to a LM75 temperature sensor.  These can
  often be found on old PC motherboards, or as samples from National.  The I2C
  demo code is a simple polled approach, and does not take advantage of either
  interrupts or the I2C state machine.  The 'lm75' CCI command allows reading
  and writing of the configuration, THYST and TOS registers, and reading of the
  temperature register.  The 'lm75 mode' command determines if the registers
  are read using an I2C repeated start sequence instead of an I2C stop then I2C
  start.  Repeated starts are faster, and allow for holding the I2C bus in a
  multi-master environment.  The default is repeated starts (mode 0).  There is
  one potential spot for the code to hang.  If the I2C bus fails to release SCL
  (if the I2C device is powered down, perhaps), it will hang waiting for the
  status interrupt bit to change.  Any hard while loops should be wrapped in a
  counter or timer check.

  Demo now includes watchdog timer example.  'wdt test' enables the watchdog.
  If no command is typed for 10 seconds, the system will reset.  'wdt status'
  can be used to examine the current watchdog state and the RSIR register
  (which allows determination of why a reset occurred).  Use 'wdt clear' to
  clear the RSIR status.

Sort of hardware thingies:

  The SWI demo code is taken from several different projects, and culled down
  into something I felt was more readable, and better for explanations.  The
  CCI 'swi' commands allow setting the state of, turning on, turning off and
  toggling LED2.  The commands starting with 'a' use the assembly interface
  (assembly sequences are used to affect LED2), whereas the commands starting
  with 'c' manage LED2 in C.  Note that the pushy-buttons also toggle LED2, so
  there can be some interaction.

CCI commands:

  If you're a Linux user, most of the file commands are fairly self
  explanatory.  If you're not a Linux user, you should be, because it's better
  on our side of the fence.  The file commands require that a MMC/SD card be
  'mount' COMMAND TO MOUNT THE MMC/SD CARD.  Note that the first partition on
  the MMC/SD card will be mounted, and this is the only one supported.  It must
  be a FAT12, FAT16 or FAT32 partition.

  If the MMC/SD card is not formatted with a FAT12/FAT16/FAT32 file system, you
  can use the 'mkfs' command to create it.  If anything already exists on the
  card, 'mkfs' will wipe it out.  

  Note that while a fairly good success rate has been obtained with the cards
  on hand, one Sandisk 64MB MMC card did not work.  Not sure why, but the MMC
  drivers are probably not handling something quite right.

  'cpcon <filename>' allows a text file to be created from the CCI.  Enter text
  until you're bored, then type ctrl-d save and exit.  Note that whatever
  characters are typed are saved into the file verbatim.  This means that
  characters like backspace are actually put into the file (feel free to
  improve that code...)

  Before creating any files, you may wish to set the system date, so that files
  are date/time stamped properly.  If a GPS with NMEA output is connected to
  RS232_1, you can use the 'gps' command to verify the serial connection, that
  NMEA data is being parsed, and that the GPS has acquired (required for the
  date/time to be set).  If you have no GPS attached, you may enter the date
  and time as parameters.  'settime 2007/07/08 22:51:25' will set the date and
  time to July 8th, 10:51pm and 25 seconds.  No timezone info is applied, so
  date/times acquired from the GPS are UTC.  Date/times set manually may be set
  to local time or UTC (or something completely random, if you're into that).

  The 'thruput' command allows measuring MMC/SD read and write performance.
  Eight file sizes are used: 1K, 8K, 16K, 64K, 128K, 512K, 1MB, and 2MB.  A
  temporary file is created on the MMC/SD card.  Measurements can be done one
  of four ways:  'noints' (fastest, but disables all tasking), 'normal' (CCI
  task priority is not changed, no tasks are suspended), 'suspendall' (all
  tasks are suspended, no context switches made, but 10ms interrupts still
  runs), and 'high' (CCI task is elevated to highest priority for duration of
  test).  Oddly, writes are faster than reads when not using the 'noints' mode.
  I have not yet researched why.  Leaving interrupts enabled *seriously*
  impacts the file system performance, nominally by a factor of 20.

  Richard T. Stofer noticed that this slow down only appears when using the
  'usbser.sys' drivers under Windows.  When using the Linux ACM drivers, or
  when using UART0 as the console port with the USB cable disconnected, this
  problem does not occur.  We can only assume that the Windows driver sends
  lots of (needless) packets (yet another reason to switch to Linux!)

  The 'date' command will report the current date/time from the RTC.  If you
  have an external 3V battery plugged into the BAT connector, the RTC will
  preserve it's values across power-downs.  Regardless of the battery presence,
  date/time will be preserved across resets (as long as power is not removed).

  The 'sensors' commands reports very little useful information.  The sensors
  task executes every 100ms, and samples the ADC connected to the AN_TR
  potentiometer.  Every time the task runs, the sensors counter is increment by
  one.  If the AN_TR pot is adjusted far enough to change the zone, the ADC
  changed value will increment.  See the section above on the pot.  The
  associated code demonstrates running a high priority task with a constant
  execution frequency, sampling an ADC, and sending a message to another task.

  The 'mem' command displays the various tasks running, and the amount of
  unused stack available to each task, along with the task priority and such.
  The associated code demonstrates the 'vTaskList' RTOS call.  Note that in a
  'real' system, leaving the task trace code enabled (configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY)
  imposes a slight penalty on context switches, which may be undesirable.
  The 'iap' commands allow experimenting with the In-Application Programming
  (IAP) code.  The demo code demonstrates preparing, erasing, writing, blank
  checking, and retrieving processor ID and boot loader version numbers.  IAP
  deals with primarily with sectors.  In the LPC2148 (which has 512K of flash),
  there are 4K and 32K sectors.  The CCI will not allow selecting sectors that
  are used for code.  The 'fss' command will find a safe sector to use with the
  'iap' commands.  Once a safe sector is known, you can erase and fill this
  sector.  The blank checking will work on any valid sector (there are 27 in
  the LPC2148).  The IAP_COPYRAMTOFLASH (writing to flash) is demonstrated
  by the fill command.  Whatever size the sector selected is, the 'fill'
  command will fill the entire contents with the supplied byte value.  The 'md'
  command can be used to dump the sector contents to see the effects of 'erase'
  and 'fill'.  The 'stoa' command is used to convert a sector number to an
  address for 'md'.  It is strongly recommended that you become familiar with
  the section on IAP in the LPC2148 datasheet before using these commands.  The
  IAP prepare and compare functions are not CCI accessible.  These are handled
  internally by the erase and fill code.

MMC/SD notes:

  As mentioned above, I have a Sandisk 64MB MMC card that the MMC drivers can't
  seem to recognize.  I have 4 other cards that work fine, one of which is an
  MMC, the other three which are SD.  I'd like to resolve this issue.  

  During the 'thruput' test, when interrupts are left enabled, I have on rare
  occasions seen a read or write error occur.  I believe this is because a
  context switch is taking place during some time critical code.  

  Ideally, interrupts would be disabled.  However, disabling interrupts makes
  an RTOS merely an OS.  The 'real-time' part means predictable response to
  interrupts, and the executing time-critical tasks on-time.  In this code, the
  MMC/SD code is non-reentrant (only one task may read/write the card), and not
  time critical.   If multiple tasks have to write to disk, this would
  currently have to be handled by creating a task that communicates through
  queues to other tasks, and manages the MMC/SD card.

  Note that if a GPS is connected, a message that a NMEA checksum could not be
  found may occasionally appear.  While the actual test is being run, the GPS
  task is not processing messages, and the serial buffer overruns.  When the
  task is allowed to run again (between tests), partial NMEA messages that
  cannot be parsed may be present, resulting in the error message.

GCC notes:

  This code was compiled with -O3.  This results in code that's about 16K
  larger than -Os, but has a measurable impact on the MMC/SD card throughput
  (not large, but it can be seen).  I went with -O3 because with 512K of FLASH,
  and 144K or so used, there's plenty of room.

  I'm not sure what the compiliation options for newlib are.  'crossdev'
  compiled those, and I suspect it was with -Os, since embedded systems
  generally tend to consider size over speed.

  GCC is an amazing package.  I'm used to running into compiler issues with
  many of the micros that I work with (SCCS, Microchips C18, etc).  It's so
  nice to have a compiler that produces code without problems, and doesn't have
  idiot front-ends that can't even get the sign on an enum correct (at least
  Microchip got it right for the dsPIC and PIC24 parts, which used GCC.  C18...
  Don't go there...)

  There's a trick to writing Makefiles, and I don't have it.  It's an arcane
  art, and involves the slaughtering of goats, black candles, and full moons.
  The Makefiles I did write are very basic, and use recursion ('Recursive make
  considered harmful!'.  Foo on that.  Worked for me).  

  I tried a couple of approaches, and either everything built anyway, or
  nothing built at all.  To make the linking work, as files are compiled,
  they're dumped in to ./common/common.a, and main.c is linked against that.
  So far, the expected bite on the butt for doing it this way has not happened.

  It would be really neat to have Makefiles done right.  Alas, I don't know how
  to do it right.  So if the common.a approach looks really ugly to you, that
  means you probably know how to write Makefiles that handle sub-directories
  correctly, and you can tell me how it should be done :)  (With examples!)

Notes on newlib:

  I wasn't happy with the newlib syscalls.c that was included in the original
  LPC2148 port.  I more or less completely rewrote this, with the exception of
  _sbrk().  _open() can open the serial ports, USB port, and FatFS files.  All
  supporting functions except _fstat() work (see FatFS complaint at bottom).

  Newlibs method of converting a file descriptor (as returned by _open()) to a
  slot (which points to assorted info for that fd) uses a loop.  As this is
  done on EVERY read and write call, unnecessary overhead is added.  I fixed
  the find_slot() code to cache the last fd, and if it's the same on a
  subsequent call, the search is skipped.

  _open() is VERY suspect, in that remapping of FatFS f_open flags don't
  correspond cleanly to Unix's open() call.  I handle the four common cases
  correctly, but lesser used ones may result in a EINVAL errno on open.  

  Opening FatFS files is expensive, RAM space-wise.  Each open file uses a
  FatFS FIL structure which contains a 512 byte buffer, plus some additional
  space.  With 32K on a LPC2148, and 20K being used for the FreeRTOS heap, that
  leaves 12K that has to be used for the stack, heap, printf(), etc.  Don't go
  wild opening files, and be sure to close unused files to free the space.  Use
  open() instead of fopen() whenever possible, as the FILE structure has it's
  own set of buffers.

  There may be a way to figure out how much heap and stack have been used under
  newlib.  If there is, I haven't figured it out yet.  I'd really like to be
  able to make a newlib or system call that returns total space available, heap
  used and stack used. 

  Since stdout and stderr point to same place, it's wise to close stderr and
  set stderr to stdout.  Only functions like assert() use stderr, so
  intermixing stderr and stdout shouldn't be a problem.  Especially since
  there's no redirection of I/O...

Header file for LPC2148 (lpc210x.h):

  The original LPC2148 header file was very lacking.  Not only were individual
  bit fields generally not defined, major peripherials weren't defined.  As a
  result, FreeRTOS, LPCUSB, FatFS and newlib all used local defines.  Worse,
  some of these were simply "SOMEREG = (1<<31)".  Great.  What does bit 31 do?

  Personally, I feel the best way is to define structures AND #defines.  It's
  good that a structure has an element called 'CLK', but setting CLK to 0
  doesn't give a hint as to what clock mode is being set.  A #define for
  a lot clearer.

  I defined a mess of #defines, with the majority matching the names in the
  datasheet.  There were few that become triplely redundant, such as
  WD_WDFEED_WDFEED1.  This was reduced to WD_FEED_FEED1.  The characters prior
  to the first underscore define the module, with the next set the defining the
  register name.  Subsequent fields define the bit field name, and then
  possible variations.

  What I don't like about using #defines to define the registers is that the
  programmer needs to know if the bits being affected need to be AND'ed or
  OR'ed.  Structures neatly solve this problem, but defining all the structures
  takes a lot of work (yea, IAR has already done that, but it's not legal to
  just swipe their nice headers).

  With one exception I'm aware of (in the TODO section), I rewrote all the code
  that sets registers to use the values in the lpc210x.h file.  

  While I doubt it makes the code more portable (will NXP change block
  addresses, but leave bits the same?  Probably not), it does make it more

  One of the last major areas to be completed is to pull the USB protocol
  engine #defines into lpc210x.h.  These are currently defined in one of the
  USB header files, and have poor name scoping (does "ACK_STAT" tell you what
  module or register it applies to?  No.)

Software notes:

  All copyrights are by their respective authors.  FreeRTOS is by Richard
  Barry.  LPCUSB is by Bertrik Sikken.  FatFS is by ChaN, with sections by Joel
  Winarske.  Other sections of code may have come from the intarweb, and have
  respective copyrights, indicated or not.  Any code that I personally authored
  is free for public consumption, unemcumbered by any copyrights, etc (that
  crap is just too confusing.  BSD? LPGL? GPL3?  Who the hell knows...)

  I've re-formatted a good deal of code in LPCUSB and FatFS.  Some portions
  were re-written, others simply re-formatted to my coding style (which I
  jokingly refer to as JC1).  I have occasionally whacked comment blocks that I
  didn't really think indicated what the code did, or was redundant.  I
  probably whacked some text with copyrights in the process.  This in no way
  reflects an attempt to claim the work as my own, or to otherwise dishonor the
  original authors.  As Isaac Newton (more or less) said, "If I have seen a
  little further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants."  Without the
  work of these most excellent people, this code would not exist.  

  Most of the reason for my re-formatting is my way of understanding the code,
  going through it section by section.  It's good because I have a better
  understanding of it, worse because it makes drop-in replacement with updates
  from the authors more difficult.

  The most affected area is the SPI handling in the FatFS code.  Originally
  named 'mm_llc_spi1.c', I felt this was not cleanly integrated, so I rewrote
  it.  Maybe it's not better, but it is different :)

  The FreeRTOS code is almost completely untouched, except for moving an #if
  around that allowed compiling the trace code (configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY)
  without requiring the task suspend code (INCLUDE_vTaskSuspend).  In the end,
  this was probably irrelevant, since I compiled the task suspend code in

Things I wish were different:

  A collection of random little thoughts of things I wish were different.
  These are just MY opinions, based on the way I do things.  It's not to say
  the original authors were wrong.  It's just the way I'd make things, if I
  were smart enough to write this stuff from scratch.  Most people probably
  shouldn't even read the following list...

  While FreeRTOS attempts to isolate the user from system data structures, it's
  a little *too* aggressive.  These typedef'ed structures should be in a header
  file, so applications can at least use sizeof() to help determine memory
  allocation.  Everything is done through recasted void* pointers.

  It would be neat if FreeRTOS had a xDelayTaskUntil() that also took one or
  more queues as a blocking item.  I want to run a task every 'n' milliseconds,
  but if something shows up in a queue, process it early.  Perhaps this could
  work like Unix's select().  Or perhaps a variadic function that takes
  xQueueHandles as parameters.

  I dont' care for FreeRTOS's use of portBLAH typedefs for portable types.  The
  world is pretty used to U8, U16, N32, and BOOL for unsigned char, unsigned
  short, signed int, etc.  FreeRTOS also seems to require declaring too many
  things as 'signed', which should be a default.  I'm sure this is done for
  portability, but I find the types are not as intuitive as they could be.  

  Another minor itch is that all function names and types start with 'x'.  I
  would have preferred 'freertos', or better, a user-definable one, via a
  #define macro.  I think programmers forget that their package may be
  integrated into a larger system, and while their naming convention works well
  for their purpose, it may not scale well.  FatFS and LPCUSB are guilty of
  this as well.

  FreeRTOS has a couple errors in several of the modules regarding type
  punning.  I understand what type punning is, but I don't know how to fix it
  safely.  Perhaps RB will fix those up in the next release.

  FatFS changes return types too often, particularly for errors.  There's the
  errors from the SPI routines, the MMC routines, the disk routines, and the
  top layer FatFS code.  There should be unified errors for everything, so that
  errors can be cleanly communicated up the stack.

  FatFS can't go from file descriptor to filename.  I haven't figured out a
  clean and reliable way to map a fd back to a filename (FatFS f_stat() needs a
  file name).  I thought about malloc()'ing space in the openFiles_t structure
  and copying the filename when the file is opened.  However, paths can get up
  to 128 characters, and only _fstat() needs that information.  This seems very

  FatFS wants the user to provid the get_fattime() function.  FatFS should
  really have a file for locally provided functions.  It's already specific to
  the SPI or IDE port implementation.  As such, it should be stubbed out to
  return 0 if the function isn't provided, or allow the user to implement in
  the platform specific file (basically, an equivalent of syscalls.c, but
  internal to FatFS).

  FatFS has naming conventions that I don't like.  It exposes too many internal
  function names that should be declared static.  Structure names like 'FIL'
  are ambiguous, and too likely to collide with other libraries.  Functions
  should be preceed by the supporting module or library.  All FatFS functions
  should be in the form of fatfsOpen, fatfsClose, etc.  

  LPCUSB is not organized quite the way I'd do it.  The USB protocol engine
  defines need to have their names modified and moved into the lpc210x.h. 

  Newlib lacks certain calls on the ARM7 platform.  sync() and chmod() do not
  exist, while mkdir() does, but wit no corresponding _mkdir() support in
  syscalls.c.  Returning ENOSYS is easy enough, and doesn't take but a few
  instructions.  Providing support for a wider range of calls would be good,
  taking into mind things like FatFS that provide file system support, etc.

  The Olimex board COMPLETELY lacks documentation (at least, that I've been
  able to find).  It's up to the user to guess what the slide switches are for,
  etc.  It's probably pretty obvious to someone who's used the LPC2000 parts
  before, but if you're buying a board to get started, you have to waste time
  figuring out how to use it.  Even a simple Xerox'ed sheet would have been

  The Olimex board also lacks the ability to control the BSL line from the
  serial port.  Reset works, but without being able to flip the BSL switch,
  it has little value.

  The buzzer on the Olimex board is useless.  Had it been connected to one of
  the PWM outputs, some simple sound synthesis would have been possible.  At
  best, it demostrates you can toggle I/O pins fast enough to make noise.
  However, unless you want clicks in the output, you have to disable
  interrupts.  And why *two* port pins?  One would have been sufficient.  I
  would have preferred to have two more LEDs, rather than the buzzer.