
A useful tool for learning Japanese kanas.

Primary LanguagePython

NiponPy - A useful tool for learning Japanese kanas.

While I was learning Japanese kanas, I wanted someone to help me revising them. But since that is not very practical, I decided to make a simple tool that prints kanas randomly, in romanji, katakana and hiragana.


If you are using Windows, the program may ask you to change the console's charcode to 932, which is compatible with Japanese characters. Then, you may configure your kanas selection, unless you want to print anything. menu

1. Configure

  • 1 to 10: default syllabary (あいうえお)
  • 11 to 15: voiced kanas with dakuten and handakuten (がぎぐげご)
  • 16 to 26: yōon sounds (きゃ きゅ きょ) You may input a 0 in to skip the configuration of a type of kana. You will be first asked for the rows of romanji, then hiragana, and finally katakana. config

2. Show

This will show you the kanas that are selected to be printed.

3. Random printing

You may input the number of kanas you want to print. After that, the program will print kanas from the selected set randomly.

  • If you are given romanji, you may draw the kana (either katakana or hiragana) on a piece of paper.
  • If you are given hiragana or katakana, you may try to figure out how is that kana pronounced. rnd