
Repository for "Analyzing the Robustness of Unsupervised Speech Recognition", including patches to wav2vec-u and analysis code

Primary LanguageRoff


Repository for the paper Analyzing the Robustness of Unsupervised Speech Recognition, including patches to wav2vec-u and analysis code

Env setup

Follow https://github.com/facebookresearch/fairseq/tree/main/examples/wav2vec/unsupervised This is a patch to the w2v2-u repo, to successfully run, merge all content in this repo with the fairseq repo

Patches to w2vu

removing silence from audio faster

python scripts/vads.py -r $RVAD_ROOT < /path/to/train.tsv > train.vads
# removing silence from audio

could be time consuming, to make sure progress is saved and the program is still running, run the following patch instead.

export GAN_SPEECH_DATA=data/TED/TEDLIUM_release-3/wav_line/train
export SAVE_ROOT=workspace/$GAN_SPEECH_DATA

python divide_and_conquer_data.py workspace/$GAN_SPEECH_DATA/raw
for i in {0..100};
    echo "splt ${i}"
    python scripts/vads_multiprocess.py -r $RVAD_ROOT --ori_file $SAVE_ROOT/raw/train.tsv.${i} --vad_file $SAVE_ROOT/raw/train.vads.${i};
python divide_and_conquer_data.py workspace/$GAN_SPEECH_DATA/raw

divide_and_conquer_data.py will both divide the tsv into chunks, and merge the finished chunks.


other text corpus (LibriLM, wiki103...) is hosted on https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/a24998667/variety-text-corpus

calculate per

run calculate_per.ipynb to calculate per

calculate jsd

cd to analysis/JSD After prepare_text.sh get phone sequences samples from lm.phones.filtered.txt samples should look like ./data/LibriLM.raw and ./data/LibriSpeech9.6.raw then execute

bash run_jsda.sh ${1st corpus name} ${2nd corpus name}
# for example
bash run_jsda.sh LibriLM.raw LibriSpeech9.6.raw
# the jsd result will be printed on the screen

How to run code on TWCC

twcc -> 建立開發型容器 -> custom image -> pytorch-21.06-py3:UnsupervisedASR8


進去之後執行 conda activate /ASR (注意:'/' is mandatory)

These PATH are created upon conda activation


PYTHONPATH is appended with /ASR/site-packages, however, this may overwrite the original site-package location, if you install another package, you might need to add that path to PYTHONPATH

wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/c99gcaf6uir8924/runtest

When training, do not use $PYTHONPATH=xxx, this will overwrite the needed path, instead, append xxx to $PYTHONPATH.

to obtain a test_run of the pipeline change --config w2vu_testing to --config w2vu for longer(default) training