
What you've got:

  Gemfile    - specifying your dependencies
  config.ru  - this is the rack configuration, which is used to start
               the application by your webserver
  soup/      - the default soup directory, where your snips are stored

For an overview of vanilla, start your site and look at the tutorial:

  $ rackup   # then open http://localhost:9292/tutorial

Editing snips
You can edit any file in the soup directory using your favourite editor,
and the changes will be reflected automatically. The snip files are
slightly modified YAML files. Here's an example, which you might save
in a file called 'soup.snip':

    Soup is a data store supporting the {link_to snip}-space that 
    {link_to vanilla-rb} expects.

    It's hosted on github [here](http://github.com/lazyatom/soup).

    :created_at: 2011-05-23 14:14:16 +01:00
    :updated_at: 2009-05-23 15:23:22 +01:00
    :render_as: Markdown

The 'content' of the snip is at the top of the file, followed by the
rest of the snip attributes on lines starting with ':'.

The console

Within a vanilla app directory, you can run `vanilla console` to start
an IRB session and interact with your app and snips. The `app` method
returns your application object, and `app.soup['start']` will return
the start snip from your soup(s).