
Home Assistant Custom Component for Bosch Indego Lawn Mower

Primary LanguagePython

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Home Assistant Custom Component for Bosch Indego Lawn Mower.

Entities in Home Asistant


Alternative 1

Install via HACS Community Store: https://hacs.xyz/

Alternative 2

Copy the folder indego in custom_components into your custom_components in your Home Assistant.


Reboot HA in order to get HA to find the newly added custom component.


Add the domain to your configuration.yaml. Username, password and id (serial) is mandatory. Name is optional (default = Indego).

  username: !secret indego_username
  password: !secret indego_password
  id:       !secret indego_id
  name:     Indego

Add your credentials used with Bosch Mower app (mail address, password and mower serial number) to your secrets.yaml:

indego_username: "name@mail.com"
indego_password: "mysecretpw"
indego_id:       "123456789"



All sensors are autodiscovered and should appear as "unused entities" after adding the component.

Description Screenshot
Mower state
Shows state of the mower.
Mower state detail
Shows detailed state of the mower.
State Detail
Lawn mowed
Shows percentage of lawn mowed.
Lawn mowed
Total mowing time
Shows the total mowing time for the mower.
Mowtime total
Shows the status of the battery.
Battery sensor percent
Shows all alerts
Alerts sensor
Last completed mow
Shows when the lawn was completed last time.
Last mow
Next mow time
Show the next planned mow.
Next mow
Mowing mode
Shows the mowing mode set.
Mowing mode
Shows if the mower is online/offline/sleeping. Possble values:
True, False
Online status
Update available
Shows if there is an update available for the firmware. Possble values:
On, Off
Update available



Sends a command to the mower. Example code:
command: mow

Accepted values are:

Command Description
mow Start/continue mowing
pause Pause mower
returnToDock Return mower to dock



Changes mowing mode. Example:
enable: true

Accepted values are:

value Description
true SmartMowing enabled
false SmartMowing disabled


Creating automation in HA gui:

Example for automations.yaml:

# automations.yaml
- id: '1564475250261'
  alias: Mower start
  - at: '10:30'
    platform: time
  condition: []
  - data:
      command: mow
    service: indego.command


To get debug logs from the component in your log file, specify theese options in your configuration file:

  default: critical 
    custom_components.indego: debug 

To get debug logs from the python API library in your log file, add this line to your configuration file in additon to the lines above:

    pyIndego: debug

Supported models

As known today the following models are supported:

  • Indego 1000
  • Indego 1100
  • Indego 1200
  • Indego 10C
  • Indego 13C
  • Indego 350
  • Indego 400
  • Indego S+ 350 1gen
  • Indego S+ 350 2gen
  • Indego S+ 400 1gen
  • Indego S+ 400 2gen
  • Indego S+ 500
  • Indego M+ 700 1gen
  • Indego M+ 700 2gen


If you experience any readings from your mower that the sensor does not read out correct (could be Alerts or mower state), please dont hesitate to write an issue. I need your input in order to make this component as useful as possible. All suggestions are welcome!

Known issues

Password cannot contain dashes (-). If serial begins with an (0) the serial needs to be quoted in secrets.yaml. Se example above under Configuration.

New issues

If you experience issues/bugs with this the best way to report them is to open an issue in this repo.

Issue link


Thanks to

Eduard Jumper78 dykandDK ultrasub Gnol86 naethan bekkm onkelfarmor ltjessem nsimb jjandersson Shamshala nath bekkm urbatecte Windmelodie Fuempel MagaliDB mhosse Promises

Fork from iMarkus/Indego https://github.com/iMarkus/Indego

Inspiration from http://grauonline.de/wordpress/?page_id=219

Inspiration from https://github.com/jofleck/iot-device-bosch-indego-controller

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