
Drop shadow demo

Experimental library for creating drop shadows on buttons for Omnis.

Library was written in Studio 6.0.3

I've been experimenting with different kinds of interfaces/widgets that can be used in Omnis Studio to spiff things up. On web pages, it is common to use dropshadows to provide some depth to the interface. So why not Studio?

Notes on how to implement it are in the library and is just a sample to spur discussion.

This concept could be extended to create kind of a CSS for Omnis windows. The current theme could be read from a preferences row in the database and applied to each type of object in the window. In this way, you could allow users to set the colors and style for any type of object from a preferences pane.

Feel free to use this in anyway you wish.

March 18 2017 - Updated. Was using Vertical placement instead of Horizontal placement on the shadow for $top offset.