
A list of awesome free and open-source tools for DBRE

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Awesome DBRE

A curated list of awesome free and open-source tools for and knowledge about database reliability engineering


rundeck runbook automation

stackstorm automate all the things!

Continuous Integration

buddy GUI CI, fast, but no free parallelisation, GUI to YAML is a one-way trip

circle-ci solid CI, great support engineers, ORBs prepackage functionality (really outstanding support!)

semaphoreci fast, simple, parallelised, flexible CI, GUI syncs bidirectionally with a YAML file (did I mention it's fast?) 😍

travis-ci solid, venerable, old-school, simple

Version Control for Databases (AKA Schema Migration)

activerecord migrations ruby on rails (Open Source)

db (Open Source, mysql)

dbdeploy (Open Source)

diffkit (Open Source, jdbc)

flyway (Open Source, jdbc)

liquibase (Open Source, jdbc)

mybatis (Open Source, jdbc)

sqitch platform agnostic, no orm, no framework! (Open Source)


anonimatron (Open Source, jdbc)

anonymize-it supports faker (Open Source, elasticsearch)

arx (Open Source, file, csv)

data anonymization (Open Source, activerecord)

fogger supports faker (Open Source, pecl)

jailer data subsetting (Open Source, jdbc)


cortex clustered prometheus (Open Source)

grafana dashboards and graphing (Open Source)

graphite time series database for metrics with graphing (Open Source)

icinga push monitoring (Open Source)

influxdb time series database for metrics (Open Source)

metrictank clustered graphite (Open Source)

netdata out of the box monitoring and storage of hundreds of high resolution metrics 😍 (Open Source)

prometheus pull monitoring time series database for metrics (Open Source)

timescaledb postgresql backend for time series data (Open Source)

zabbix push monitoring (Open Source)


elk elasticsearch, logstash, kibana (Open Source)

fluentd (Open Source)

graylog (Open Source)

logalyze security-focused log analysis (Free)

loki logging using Prometheus-like tagging model (Open Source)

nxlog (Open Source)

pgbadger high-speed postgresql log analysis

pgcluu postgresql cluster utilization


dbunit set a database to a known state for testing (Open Source, jdbc)

dbfit unit tests for databases using the Fitnesse framework (Open Source, jdbc, .net)

dbbench simple load testing using scripts (Open Source, go)

faker generate fake data (Open Source, python)

inspec compliance testing (Open Source, ruby)

supermarket pre-built inspec profiles (Open Source)


devsec hardening framework (Open Source)

logalyze security-focused log analysis (Free)

ossim SIEM (Open Source)

otx open threat exchange (Open Source)

SQL Clients

dbeaver (Open Source, java)

dbvis (Free, java)

omnidb (Open Source, java)

sql workbench/j (Open Source, java)

squirrelsql (Open Source, java)


gorm ORM (Open Source, go)

hibernate ORM (Open Source, java)

prisma ORM (Open Source, javascript)

sandman2 zero-code REST API for any database 😱 (Open Source)

sequel ORM (Open Source, ruby)

sqlalchemy ORM (Open Source, python)

Management Utilities

percona toolkit (Open Source, mysql, mongodb)

don't do these things in postgresql (Open Source, postgresql)

autodoc schema documenter (Open Source, postgresql)

explain more readable PostgreSQL explain plans

tree hierarchical PostgreSQL explain plans

pg_flame view your PostgreSQL explain plan as a flame graph

schemacrawler text-format schema documentation and linting

schemaspy super cool HTML documentation of your database

Articles, Posts, and E-books

The Google SRE Book

The DBRE Book

An introduction to database reliability engineering

Laine Campbell's Velocity 2016 conference slides

Criteo - How we went from just a bunch of engineers to data reliability engineering

The Newbie DBA

Producing flame graphs for Oracle explain plans by Tanel Poder


Database Reliability Engineering

Parse and Ops


Surge 2015: DBRE, Modernizing the DBA Role

Kendra Little's Whiteboard on DBRE

Database Chaos with Tammy Butow

Shameful Self-Promotion 😳

What is your MVP?

The monitoring of monitoring

batcher database-friendly bulk updates or deletes