
Download Sanseido definitions

Primary LanguagePython

This addon is no longer supported because this other dictionary addon is just so convenient, but the current version should still work. Read the below paragraph for more information.

A NOTE ON DEPENDENCIES: This currently requires the Japanese Support addon and the the developer version of the NHK accent addon. The full version only supports Anki 2.0, but I added an anki 2.1 version with the nbare minimum functionality (sanseido21.zip) that I don't think works on sentences or conjugated words that you should be able to use directly in Anki 2.1 if you unzip it in your addons21 folder. If it doesn't work, copy the bs4 folder into that unzipped folder too.

After installing those, to install this addon, simply copy the two files in the Sanseido-Definitions folder into your Anki addons folder. Copy the two files, not the folder, i.e. place the files at the top level of the addons folder - but if you already have a bs4 folder in your addons folder, do not overwrite it; just leave it as is. You may also want to first refer to this blog post about installing and using the addon, and after installation from Ankiweb, updating the files in your folder with the ones on this GitHub page.

Sanseido Definitions Plugin for Anki

This is a plugin for the 2.0 version of Anki, an open source flashcard system. It pulls simplified J-J definitions from sanseido.net's デイリーコンサイス国語辞典 (Daily Concise Kokugo Jiten). This is a fork from the original, the AnkiWeb page of which can be found here. This version allows you to retrieve definitions even when your field is not a single, perfect word. For example, 複雑な (particle attached), 川上・川下, or even entire sentences. It also works even if your expression is conjugated!


The plugin relies on having 3 fields,

  • Expression - The Japanese word/words/sentence to look up on sanseido

  • Sanseido - The field to insert the definition (annotated with 振り仮名) into

  • (Optional) ProductionDef - The same as Sanseido but with the word 定義 instead of the headword, for easily creating production cards.

If you'd like to change the names of these fields, edit lines 25-27 in sanseidoDefsForAnki.py

To add definitions, find/highlight the card (or cards - works in bulk) in the Anki browser window, and click Edit > Regenerate Sanseido definitions

Help on reading the definitions

Sanseido has some nice 辞書凡例 (Dictionary explanatory notes) for デイリーコンサイス国語辞典. Explanation on the symbols and abbreviations used can be found in section 9, 記号・略語一覧.


If the bs4 folder included here does not work for you, report it on here and I will upload the version I personally use (this is a fork, but the original only used a partial bs4 so that's what I left on GitHub even though it's different from my local copy).

Also report any bugs related to parsing multiple words on this page.

Report other bugs and issues to the original GitHub page of the addon here.


  • Fix this bug from the original plugin where you will get a definition that is actually for a base word of a compound word. This is because the plugin does not check if the word found on Sanseido's website is the same as the word sent to it, and because Sanseido requires you to click-through to that word. I may or may not try to get the plugin to click-through to search for the correct word if it exists on the website, but I will first add a check for the correct word so that users don't get confused and memorize the wrong definition.
  • Remove the dependency on the NHK plugin
  • Make needing the Japanese Support Plugin (for readings) optional