
Adds the ability to invert the mouse Y-axis in games

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Adds the ability to invert the mouse Y-axis in games that lack this feature, such as Genshin Impact


  1. Install Raw Accel v1.6.0 or Interception driver. Reboot.
  2. Run InvertMouse


Raw Accel v1.6.0 or Interception driver installed. .NET Framework 4.7.2+

How it works

InvertMouse uses kernel mode driver and library to invert mouse Y-axis when cursor is hidden. This allows interactions in the menu (when cursor is visible) without inverted Y-axis.

Driver comparison

Raw Accel is Anti-Cheat Friendly. Raw Accel has a one second delay when changing settings.
Interception has no delay but can be detected by Vanguard and FaceIt.
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