Matterpoll is a plugin for Mattermost. It allows users to create poll by using a slash command.
- Go to the releases page of this GitHub repository and download the latest release for your Mattermost server.
- Upload this file in the Mattermost System Console > Plugins > Management page to install the plugin. To learn more about how to upload a plugin, see the documentation.
- You should set Enable integrations to override usernames and Enable integrations to override profile picture icons in System Console > Custom Integrations to
You can configure Matterpoll from System Console > Plugins > Matterpoll.
- Trigger: Change trigger word for poll command. (default
/poll "Is Matterpoll great?"
creates a poll with the answer options "Yes" and "No". You can also leave out the double quotes and just type /poll Is Matterpoll great?
If you want to define all answer options by yourself, type /poll "Is Matterpoll great?" "Of course" "In any case" "Definitely"
- Note that the double quotes are required in this case.
Poll Settings provider further customisation, e.g. /poll "Is Matterpoll great?" "Of course" "In any case" "Definitely" --progress --anonymous
. The available Poll Settings are:
: Don't show who voted for what at the end--progress
: During the poll, show how many votes each answer option got
Make sure to set your Site URL properly.
For example, this error happens in case you set SiteURL starting with http://
, in spite of running Mattermost server through https.
We welcome contributions of any bug reports, issues, feature requests, feature implementations and pull requests. Feel free to file a new issue to join the Matterpoll channel on the Mattermost community server.