
A field-string parser

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Field string parser

A library that consumes strings and converts them into string definitions.

Additionally, it formats and adds an argument string for easy code generating.


npm i --save field-string-parser or yarn add field-string-parser


Usage is pretty straight forward. You can reuse instances, or use the static method.

Fields can be passed in using JSON, or the ezon format.

Examples of valid formats:




Static example

Here's an example using the static parse method.

const parsedFields = FieldStringParser.parse('username,password:(size:50),active:boolean');


// Generates the following
  username: {
    argumentString: '{ type: \'string\' }',
    definition    : { type: 'string' }
  password: {
    argumentString: '{ size: 50, type: \'string\' }',
    definition    : { size: 50, type: 'string' }
  active  : {
    argumentString: '{ type: \'boolean\' }',
    definition    : { type: 'boolean' }

Instance example

Here's an example using the instance approach.

const fieldParser  = new FieldParser('username,password:(size:50),active:boolean');
const parsedFields = fieldStringParser.parse();


// Generates the following
  username: {
    argumentString: '{ type: \'string\' }',
    definition    : { type: 'string' }
  password: {
    argumentString: '{ size: 50, type: \'string\' }',
    definition    : { size: 50, type: 'string' }
  active  : {
    argumentString: '{ type: \'boolean\' }',
    definition    : { type: 'boolean' }
