
A collection of browser-based tools for Spore.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Spore Tools


A collection of useful tools for Spore, a 2008 video game from Maxis.

The tools are written in TypeScript, and are largely targeted towards mod developers, but have a variety of uses.

The tools are all usable in a web browser. Most of the code is organized into ES Modules for reusability in other websites or applications.


Asset Tool


This tool allows you to enter a Spore.com asset ID or upload a Spore creation PNG, and obtain all available data from both the official Spore server and the data embedded in the PNG.

Hash Tool (WIP)


This tool lets you enter a string, and get its corresponding FNV hash, as used in the game's package files.

Services and external code used

Spore API


Spore.com data is retrieved using the official Spore API. Due to CORS limitations, the API is proxied through Cloudflare Workers.



UPNG is a PNG decoder. It is used to decode Spore creation PNGs from the image data.

pako / zlib


Pako is a zlib port. It is used to decompress the data stored inside Spore creation PNGs.


If you need any help, join our Discord at https://discord.gg/66jVk3X, or email kade@sporecommunity.com

Not associated with or endorsed by Electronic Arts or Maxis.