bower: run npm install -g bower
if needed
grunt-cli: run npm install -g grunt-cli
if needed
Run npm install
. This will automatically install bower components as well. If you do not have bower installed globally, you may see an error and need to also run bower install
Run grunt server
. This will start the express server and launch a page in the default browser that connects to the TodoMVC app.
Note that if you experience EMFILE, too many open files
errors, you are liking running on OSX and need to increase your ulimit: ulimit -n 10240
This boilerplate configures the following:
- AuraJS project
- Backbone TodoMVC project
- Grunt-based build scripts
- Express servers for development and testing
- Live reload features
- Mocha test runner
- Bower support
- Compass/SASS support
The various AuraJS examples that I could find are in various states of disrepair. For instance, because the AuraJS API has changed recently, the TodoMVC example is currently broken. The live-reload features in the boilerplates I found didn't work properly.
I need to get a new backbone project started, but getting all the pieces to work together was proving difficult. So I worked out many of the issues and created this project.
I'm submitting a pull request to the aurajs/todomvc project to fix the API changes. Hopefully it will soon work again.
This boilerplate is not perfect, and there are still some improvements to be made. Contributions are welcome!
Thanks go out especially to Stephane Bellity & Addy Osmani.
Nothing in this project is new. I've just made various projects work together as best as I could in the short time I had available.