
Roles and Permissions implementation on Laravel 5.4

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Roles Permissions Laravel (RPL)

A stater kit with Roles and Permissions implementation on Laravel 5.4


  1. To use it just clone the repo and composer install.
  2. Set the database connection
  3. To test the app run php artisan db:seed, our interactive seeder will take care of everything.

Add a new Resource

  1. Create desired resource by running
## Create Comment model with migration and resource controller
php artisan make:model Comment -mcr
  1. Register route for it.
Route::group( ['middleware' => ['auth']], function() {
    Route::resource('comments', 'CommentController');
  1. Now implement your controllers methods and use the Authorizable trait
use App\Authorizable;

class CommentController extends Controller
    use Authorizable;
  1. Now add the permissions for this new Comment model.
php artisan auth:permission Comment

That's it, you have added new resource controller which have full access control by laravel permissions.

auth:permission command

This command can be user to add or remove permission for a given model

## add permission
php artisan auth:permission Comment

## remove permissions
php artisan auth:permission Comment --remove


Created by QCode.in


MIT license.