Seamless data and meta-data tracking in Python

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


dETaiL is a project that aims at taking away the hassle from tuning different combinations of ETL pipelines

It increases speed of computation by simply loading the results that were previously computed from disk.

DISCLAIMER : The code in this doesn't deal with side effects so if some variable involved has been modified between two identification the entry in the database might be wrong.


Set up MongoDB (works on Ubuntu 16.04):

Follow the instructions in the following tutorial


Install library using pip

Pip requirements coming soon

Go to the detl project root and type :

pip install -e .


Let's say you have some data x in the form of a pandas dataframe. You might want to apply the following transformation that will multiply it by 2.

If you wanted to save the output and know exactly how it was computed, you could save it to a csv file and give it a specific name. Our approach is to associate a load and a save function to the transformation as follows.

import pandas as pd
from detl.processor import load_and_save
from detl.wrapper import wrap_obj

@load_and_save(pd.read_csv, pd_to_csv)
def multiply_by(x, y):
    return x * y

def pd_to_csv(df, filename):

Now if we execute the operation once, the multiplication will be saved to the database, but we need to identify the source first.

df = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(12).reshape(3,4),
                  columns=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'])
with db_client().as_default():
    df_ided = wrap_obj(df, 'data source')

    mult = multiply_by(df_ided, 5)

The second time we run it, if the arguments are the same the result will be loaded from the database.

Configure database connection

It is now necessary to specify what database we're connecting to using a detl.mydb.MyDb object

We can manage what database the results are loaded and whether they are loaded at all using context managers.

from detl.mydb import db_client
from samples.sample1 import PreProcessor

sample_db = db_client()
with sample_db.as_default():

    df = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(12).reshape(3,4),
                      columns=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'])
    df_ided = identify(df, 'data source')

    preprocessor = PreProcessor(num_mul=50)

    mult = preprocessor.processor_2(df_ided)

The code above creates a connection using the default config file for the db, configs/db.json

Here is a sample config file for the database. It specifies the path to your data folder and the connection information to your database and collection.

    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 27017,
    "db": "etl_test_database",
    "collection": "mnistdetl",
    "data_folder": "data"

Planned features

  • Template for datasets where the decorated function are applied to every element of a dataset
  • Visualize computation tree
  • Computer vision and time series use cases