
Unable to connect to device

ThomasFoernzler opened this issue · 4 comments

The Spotifyd-device is shown in the list, clicking on it initiates the "connecting to device", but in the end it fails

To Reproduce
Start spotifyd on device
got to app (webapp, spotify-launcher, android app)
click on connect

Expected behavior
music plays from device


Click to show logs
<!-- PLEASE PASTE YOUR LOGS BELOW THIS LINE WHEN REPORTING BUGS. Make sure to run spotifyd using the `--verbose` flag -->
CliConfig { config_path: None, no_daemon: true, verbose: true, pid: None, shared_config: SharedConfigValues { username: Some("******"), username_cmd: None, password: Some("*********"), password_cmd: None, use_keyring: false, use_mpris: None, dbus_type: None, on_song_change_hook: None, cache_path: None, no-audio-cache: false, backend: None, volume_controller: None, device: None, control: None, mixer: None, device_name: Some("test"), bitrate: None, audio_format: None, initial_volume: None, volume_normalisation: false, normalisation_pregain: None, zeroconf_port: None, proxy: None, device_type: None, autoplay: false, max_cache_size: None } }
Found user shell: Some("/bin/zsh")
No proxy specified
registering event source with poller: token=Token(2147483649), interests=READABLE
Using software volume controller.
registering event source with poller: token=Token(0), interests=READABLE | WRITABLE
signal: Want
signal found waiting giver, notifying
poll_want: taker wants!
signal: Want
signal: Want
Ignoring blacklisted access point
Ignoring blacklisted access point
Ignoring blacklisted access point
Ignoring blacklisted access point
Failed to resolve Access Point: Unable to resolve any viable access points.
Using fallback ""
Connecting to AP ""
deregistering event source from poller
signal: Closed
registering event source with poller: token=Token(16777216), interests=READABLE | WRITABLE
Authenticated as "******" !
new Session[0]
Mixing with softvol and volume control: Log(60.0)
new Spirc[0]
Session[0] strong=4 weak=1
canonical_username: posbis
Country: "DE"
new MercuryManager
Input volume 58958 mapped to: 49.99%
new Player[0]
Converting with ditherer: tpdf
Using AlsaSink with format: S16
subscribed uri=hm://remote/user/posbis/ count=0
registering event source with poller: token=Token(1), interests=READABLE
<!-- They have to be betwenn the `/summary` and the `/details` HTML tags, and inside the backticks '`' -->  

Compilation flags

  • dbus_mpris
  • dbus_keyring
  • alsa_backend
  • portaudio_backend
  • pulseaudio_backend
  • rodio_backend

Versions (please complete the following information):

  • OS: archlinux
  • Spotifyd: 0.3.5
  • cargo: 1.71.1
    installed via pacman

observed in broswer via console/network logging :

when connecting to play on another "official client":
htttp Options request returns 200
http Post request returns 200

when connecting to play on spotfiyd (tested on archlinux)
htpp Options request resturn 200
http Post request fails 3 times with 502


 {"error_type":"INVALID_PLAYER_RESPONSE","message":"Could not parse response from upstream"}

I'm seeing similar behaviour.
I'm running spotifyd 0.3.3 on Raspbian OS.

I can't connect to the spotifyd device from the Spotify Android app. It was working approximately 9 hours ago.

I see the same HTTP responses using the Spotify in the browser on macOS (200 responses for OPTIONS and 3 x 502 responses for a POST request to{id1}/to/{id2}. Payload is the same apart from the values for page_instance_id and interaction_id.

Next day, simply works again
maybe a problem on spotify side?

I can confirm, it's working again for me too. Looks like Spotify restored service :)

That means we probably can close this now as it seems to have been a temporary issue?