- 80
"Bad credentials" error when starting spotifyd
#1293 opened by DavidHospital - 4
Show supported features in --version
#1255 opened by redfast00 - 7
Connection reset by peer (os error 104)
#1306 opened by dc-850 - 0
Delayed interactions since librespot 0.4
#1310 opened by honza - 4
Fails to build with Rust > 1.79
#1308 opened by 0323pin - 6
- 2
Volume Controllers behave weirdly
#1222 opened by Arbee4ever - 8
- 1
Multiple processes listed
#1303 opened by randompersondude - 15
- 11
Spotifyd crash on track loading
#1300 opened by klh - 4
- 1
The futex facility returned an unexpected error code.
#1298 opened by judahpaul16 - 6
spotifyd gives "Bad credentials" error when a password contains special characters
#1269 opened by coyotepunk05 - 2
rust 1.80.0 build issue
#1295 opened by chenrui333 - 3
Spotifyd not an executable?
#1294 opened by stevenveenma - 8
When I start it I get an error
#1292 opened by maxiwee69 - 2
Notifications makes spotifyd crash
#1289 opened by 0xbrayo - 2
Volume sets to 0 unexpectedly
#1288 opened by 0xbrayo - 1
- 0
Systemd service looks for binary in /usr/bin but cargo installs to ~/.cargo/bin.
#1286 opened by benjaminpotter - 3
"spotifyd: cannot execute: required file not found" on fresh Raspberry Pi 4
#1266 opened by EddieCarrera - 0
Unecessary dithering?
#1277 opened by sad-goldfish - 7
- 3
- 4
- 5
Panic when trying to play specific songs
#1260 opened by spoutn1k - 1
Listening history missing
#1273 opened by cube79 - 1
- 8
- 4
Unable to connect to device
#1267 opened by ThomasFoernzler - 1
Starting spotifyd renames my computer's hostname
#1262 opened by royathan - 1
spotifyd doesn't respond to play/pause/next/previous from Bluetooth headphones [macOS]
#1263 opened by nbelakovski - 0
More error logging for tracking down mixer selem
#1265 opened by TheKevJames - 6
Spotifyd appends *.instanceXXX to the D-Bus service name
#1261 opened by itsdeyan - 1
- 1
Add support for SOCKS5 proxies
#1242 opened by avivace - 5
Does not work with bluetooth devices
#1223 opened by luispl77 - 7
Information about currently played track / context in D-Bus, socket or some other way of communication with a client
#1250 opened by ciembor - 4
No logging as system daemon on Raspberry
#1245 opened by Drexel2k - 2
Crash as user service
#1244 opened by Drexel2k - 1
Zero conf authentication
#1240 opened by kirk781 - 7
Notify with Dunst
#1239 opened by sownteedev - 3
- 1
error: package `time v0.3.28` cannot be built because it requires rustc 1.67.0 or newer, while the currently active rustc version is 1.66.1 Either upgrade to rustc 1.67.0 or newer, or use cargo update -p time@0.3.28 --precise ver where `ver` is the latest version of `time` supporting rustc 1.66.1
#1234 opened by rendisadia - 2
Audio Sink Error Connection Refused
#1233 opened by StijnKitsvanHeijningenPXL - 2 compatability
#1225 opened by gurv1r - 2
Spotifyd works when run from terminal, but doesn't work as a systemd service
#1230 opened by KSaiAkshit - 3
- 1
Fail to connect spotify
#1224 opened by kolos26