- 12
Mpris not working?
#1221 opened - 2
- 3
- 2
add service for runit
#1213 opened - 2
Credential cache is ignored by default
#1212 opened - 8
- 2
Connection to Spotify lost after sleeping
#1210 opened - 7
ARM64 Builds
#1209 opened - 2
Dies after suspending OS
#1208 opened - 4
- 1
Ability to add local files to spotifyd
#1203 opened - 2
Back Button Doesn't Work When Autoplaying
#1202 opened - 1
- 2
Support for cargo-binstall
#1200 opened - 1
Spotifyd registers twice in spotify connect
#1198 opened - 3
brew service remains in stopped state
#1195 opened - 1
Cannot Build with dbus_mpris
#1194 opened - 4
Cant compile spotifyd
#1193 opened - 1
error when compiling
#1190 opened - 0
Update changelog for 0.3.5 release
#1189 opened - 3
0.3.5 Release
#1184 opened - 3
- 2
spotifyd won't run (Couldn't connect to syslog)
#1180 opened - 1
- 4
Rust build fails on Raspberry Pi 4
#1169 opened - 1
Problems with MPRIS D-Bus (playerctl)
#1168 opened - 1
spotifyd does not build reproducibly
#1167 opened - 1
Panic during connection
#1166 opened - 8
Arch linux related issues
#1165 opened - 1
Spotifyd + pulseaudio @ Raspberry
#1164 opened - 1
- 2
- 2
- 2
Error sending open URI message over dbus
#1159 opened - 2
- 6
- 6
- 1
Auto pause when ALSA device disappears?
#1153 opened - 2
random <spotify:meta:page:21> parse URI crash
#1152 opened - 3
- 5
Track is not available
#1150 opened - 2
Local file from other device sync and play
#1149 opened - 2
add website link to the github about section
#1148 opened - 8
Debian 11: GLIBC 32 Missing
#1147 opened - 1
Cannot install on aarch64
#1146 opened - 2
Compilation errors in src/
#1144 opened - 1
- 3
- 12
- 3
cargo: failed to compile with dependency issue
#1138 opened