SpreadsheetConverter Node.js adaptor for MongoDB
mongomodulecontroller is a helper module for SpreadsheetConverter Node.js calculator app to save your form submissions into your mongodb. With a small code manipulation inside the calculator app, you can easily connect your form to your mongodb.
This requires the workbook be convert in nodejs flavor with option set in Configure Submit Dialog with value http://localhost:3000/postform
in I have prepared my own web server to accepts Http POSTs.
mongomodulecontroller requires mongoose.js to run.
Install mongoose.js in your app by typing following in command prompt.
$ cd <your application folder>
$ npm install mongoose --save
Include mongomodulecontroller.js in your Node.js application folder. Now you need to edit app.js to handle the form save post request from browser. Open app.js in your editor and paste this snippet code
var _db = require('./mongomodalcontroller.js');
var _form = req.body;
_db.saveform(_form,function (err,msg) {
just above the
//---------start server-------
after that app.js may look like this
'use strict'
var express = require('express'),
bodyParser = require('body-parser'),
http = require('http'),
path = require('path'),
fs = require('fs');
app.post('/calc', function (req, res) { //calculator REST api
var co = req.body;
var _db = require('./mongomodalcontroller.js');
var _form = req.body;
_db.saveform(_form,function (err,msg) {
//---------start server-------
That's it, you are done with server part. Now come to the final part to edit, yes you are right, let's conform the client side page a server address to post the form. Go to views folder and open index.ejs in editor , now at html form tag, in case it has default url : https://www.spreadsheetserver.com/server1/g/submit/submit.aspx change it to your node server, ie http://<myapp.domain-name>/postform. for testing at your local computer, edit as http://localhost:3000/postform index.ejs may look similar to this
<!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet -->
<form id='formc' name='formc' method='post' action='http://localhost:3000/postform' target='_top'>
<input type='hidden' id='xl_spreadsheet' name='xl_spreadsheet' value='testnodedb' />
<input type='hidden' id='xl_client' name='xl_client' value='x8.4.6830.0' />
You are done now, you have configured the SpreadsheetConverter Node.js calculator app to your mongodb database to persist your form.
start your node app and you are good to go!
Just hit the Submit button on webpage to test it out!